oh aranea, you're so divine.

Jan 31, 2005 00:09

Went and saw Gravy Train!!!! on Friday night and the Bottom of the Hill.
My fucking god.
Veronica Lipgloss and the Evil Eyes are amazing.
There is one word to describe the crowd while watching them: ape shit.
I looked over to the "EAT: order here" sign and it was swinging.
At the end of each song there would be at least half a minute of screams of delight.
Not to mention, the trashy half naked girlies dancing on platforms inches away from me.
Serious, I could smell the coochie stank.
It was that good.
Gravy Train!!!! was good, as always.
That was the third time I saw them.
We brought a sign that originally said "MAKE OUT WITH US, HUNX" but then with beautiful spur of the moment brilliance, Autumn ripped off the H.
At the end of the show me and Autumn talked with Junx and he gave us his zine(FAG SCHOOL) and hugs. We're going to send him a personal copy of DAS LANGE GRIFT.

We then went back to Thea's dorm and got our crunk on.
Laurel and Autumn went to sleep while me and Thea and David enjoyed ourselves.
Diane came out to play.
She's forty years young and a hardass.
She smokes Winstons.
I am also Diane.

"Put the pedal to the metal, Diane needs some num nums."
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