All images used in this live report were not taken by me. If you want credit (because by now I forget who took what) please let me know. I'd also be glad to take them down if you ask. I'm pretty sure this is Kyo during one of his acappellas.
Dir en grey @ The Guvernment (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
After school, I went with Mel to her mom's car; got in; went to Timmy's to get food; sat around for ten minutes while they quickly delivered papers; sat around some more while her mom showered; took forever to leave. Result?
We were totally late. -_-
JUST as we were about to leave, I texted Nina (
zekkai) and told her about the situation. Later on she called while we were at the gas station, and I was fighting to not be awkward. XD (Me = phone-hater + shy). Mentioned we were just leaving, she said that sucked, I agreed. -_- Really suckage. Inside I was angry at Mel's mom for doing all these random things, but in the end she got us there (late) and I guess that's all that matters. We didn't miss Diru, at least.
We arrived at The Guvernment a few songs in to Fair to Midland's set. Debated about going to coatcheck or not--decided against it. Mel took off her coat sleeves and I tied them in to my jacket, which was around my waist the entire time. We bought what little merchandise we could (the shirts were already gone by the time we got there ;_;). So I bought a Deg poster, took one of those free Deg postcard things, and also bought a Deg sticker. Mel bought a poster, postcard, sticker, and Fair to Midland shirt. I was talking to one of Diru's roadies as I bought my stuff and he said the reason they didn't have too much merchandise at this show was because The Guvernment (or the government, I've no clue which he meant) was taxing them like crazy for it. Understood sort of, but still, I really wanted a shirt. XD
Tied merchandise to self securely (there is a way -_-) and entered the actual standing area. HOLY SHIZ WAS IT SMALL. I thought it'd be much larger than that. Either way, wherever we stood we were really close, so we were in luck with that. Mel and I entered the area from the middle back, and we ended up in the middle/left later in the show. Were really close. Loved it. We were sort of in between Toshiya and Kyo, but more so on Kyo's side.
Fair to Midland finished their set up, and almost as soon as they finished and the roadies started taking their stuff away and setting Diru's up, the crowd surged. Like, originally we were farther back, but after that first wave, we ended up fairly close. It was like WHOOSH. And I said to Mel, "GO WITH THE CROWD!" and so we flew. XD; -ninja-
Agitated Screams of Maggots
1st acappella
2nd acappella
凌辱の雨 [album version]
Merciless Cult
dead tree-- Encore --
CLEVER SLEAZOID [album version] So people were getting excited and screaming and chanting "Dir en grey! Dir en grey!" When Shinya's drumset was revealed, the crowd went insane. Like, more surges happened, and then we were pushed back, then forward. It was fucking insane. And crowded. And hot. And perfect.
So I'm just kind of standing there getting excited and grabbing Mel's hand and chatting with her, when all I hear is like, "RAWR," and I flick around to the front (Mel was a little behind me) and the lights flicker and then... G.D.S. starts! :D "KILL! KILL! KILL!" Omg, like crazy. CRAZY. I laughed when people went over the number of times you were supposed to chant it (eight), but there was once when it was absolutely perfect and nobody went over and I was like, "Sweet." :D;
So I'm stuck behind this really tall guy, and I keep going on my tippy-toes to look over his shoulder. Eventually he did leave (his friend/girlfriend had to leave because she almost fainted), and so I could see much more clearly. Linked hands with Mel and didn't let go once, except for THE FINAL.
Started headbashing during G.D.S. and then FOOKYA THERE'S SHINYA! AND KAORU AND TOSHIYA AND DIEEE!!! Screamed some more. Air fisted. Headbashed. Then Kyo. Glorious. That's all I can say. Holy jesus. Glorious.
There was a moment here when Kyo first came out that was actually very surreal to me, but I'll keep it to myself.
Uhm, let me just say? Kyo is sexy. Not in a fangirlish way at all. He's just SEXY and he knows it. He kept doing his sexy dance and shit. He shed his shirt fairly quickly. My mind keeps bouncing all over the place, so I'll go by random song.
I headbanged the hardest to OBSCURE, surprisingly. They played the PV in the background, and that was awesome. There was this one girl in front of me WHO WOULD NOT MOVE. I was like, "Would you fucking headbang or something?" because she was like a statue and I kept hitting her. The guy in front of me, though, another semi-tall one, was insane. XD He was wild, man. I kept trying to out-do his rocking out. T'was fun.
wing_goddessxxx in the crowd a couple rows ahead of me, as well as our friends Caitlin and Val. Screamed hi to Caitlin, and she was like, "=D HIIIIIII!" and then we continued rocking out. :P Also saw
ripxvanxwinkle in coat check when we came in.
Kodoku ni... that Kyo took off the safety pin by his chain and opened it very slowly. He then stared at us and then got to work on dragging that bastard across his chest a few times. Couldn't see any marks, but later on in the song you could see the cuts and blood lines down his chest. Mesmerising.
I think it was when Mr.NEWSMAN or Shokubeni came on that I screamed REALLY LOUDLY. Mel said that since I was early with recognizing the song, a lot of people looked at me in our area like "Wtf?" XD -feels awesome- It might've been some other song, though. I don't remember. I screamed to every song. XD
Shokubeni, though, made me spazz quite a bit. I was just... in heaven. I mean, OMFG IT'S SHOKUBENI!! ♥
The crowd wasn't horrible with keeping quiet during quiet parts. There were some times (like during the two acappellas) where people would scream randomly (only a few people) and I'd be like, "Stfu he's singing. -_-" Other than that it was fine. :)
So as the crowd continued surging forward and side to side and backwards, the people around us changed a bit. There were so many people coming through the crowd to leave because they'd fainted, felt ill, got hurt, etc. I was amazed. I saw one girl go past us clutching her face and crying. Felt bad for her, and wondered what had happened. Diru quickly gained my attention back though.
Kyo captivated me the entire live.
When they played DISABLED COMPLEXES kids... OMFG. I SPAZZED. My favourite song off the new album, and I just... wow. I was like, "AHHHHHHH!!!!" when it started. Actually, maybe it was DISABLED COMPLEXES when people stared at me. *_*
Merciless Cult was a headbanging ball of awesome. Enough said.
dead tree was when Mel spazzed, since it's her favourite song. I went along with her. XD; And then... some time later after thoughts about them not even playing it...
THE FINAL. A;FLKJAD;SKLFJSDKSSS!! I spazzed again. Surged forward. Sang my heart out to every single word. It might've been during THE FINAL when Kyo and I LOCKED EYES. I SWEAR TO YOU. FOR LIKE TWENTY SECONDS. I COUNTED. I DIDN'T EVEN BLINK ONCE TO MAKE SURE, AND HE STARED DIRECTLY AT ME. Kids, that made my life. Because... oh dude, it might've been Kodoku ni... acutally... ah, never mind. But he was just doing some self-hurt, it might've been the safety pin or after he was hitting himself with the mic, when he just looked up and I had my hand in the air holding it to him, and I couldn't look away as he stared me down. Felt so awesome after that.
Anyway, during
THE FINAL, as predicted, I cried like a little baby. After that song was over, and everyone screamed, I shouted, "ARIGATOU!!" so many times as tears were running down my cheeks. I was just like... that song is so special. *_*
THE IIID EMPIRE! :D When Die started in to it, it was another surge and scream-fest.
Headbanged like WHOA. Screamed "KOKKAHANEI KOKKAHANEI KOKKA!" extremely loudly, and "SPARK AND SPARK!!!" freakishly. Was awesome.
I didn't pay much attention to Kaoru during this. -dies- But he was rockin' it whenever I did look at him! XD
At some point in time they left the stage (remember, this isn't the correct song order -_-;;) and there were more chants of "DIR EN GREY DIR EN GREY" and "ENCORE ENCORE" and stuff. And clapping. Lots of clapping chants. They never lasted as long as I'd have liked them to, though.
Eventually they came back out. I don't remember which songs were encore songs, but I do know THE IIID EMPIRE (at least I hope) and CLEVER SLEAZOID were encore.
CLEVER SLEAZOID was the last song. I found myself screaming half of the fanmade lyrics ("YOU CAN'T WEAR THAT SWEATER!!") and and half of Kyo's lyrics ("ONE DAY I WILL FUCK YOUR PARENTS!!"). Awesome song.
Die. I barely saw him at all during the live, except in the encore.
Man, there were other songs but it was just generally headbashing galore. My condition upon entering The Guvernment was energetic and excited. Right as we entered it was like a wave of heat whipped me in the face. XD Just before OBSCURE, I was exhausted and getting dizzy. I seriously feared for my life, because I felt very feint and was breathing very heavily. But then OBSCURE's beginning... and then I just jumped back to life again. I was like, "FUCK THIS. I'M GONNA MAKE THE MOST OUT OF THIS. -ROCKS LIKE CRAZY-".
During one of the last few songs, I got a really nice view of Toshiya. He's so cute. *_* I stared for a few seconds just baffled at his cuteness and chubby cheeks and stuff. :D
At one point in time I saw this girl taping stuff on her camera in front of me, so I'm curious to see that (stfu I know it's not allowed) because y'know... awesome.
They played GRIEF, as well. ^_^ (Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you fuck you fuck you! XDDD)
And dude, Kyo was hanging off this one thing or whatever, and right over the crowd, and hands were like reaching for him... some dude like molested him. *_* Grabed his crotch and everything. Face-palmed. And I swear to you at some other point Kyo was hiding his hands in his face or whatever and slowly took them away to stay on his head, and he made like this :P face at us. *_* I SWEAR. I find it hard to believe I imagined such a thing.
YOU SEE. I DIDN'T IMAGINE IT. XD Oh god, I started laughing and laughing. This isn't :P in it's full form, but close enough. Around that time. XD
And another time, near the end, Kaoru came to play over on Die's side and then Die smiled and OMG HIS SMILE. I MELTED. HIS TEETH ARE PEARLY WHITE. =D
I could barely see Shinya, sadly. But from what I could hear, he played awesomely. Smacked those drums with all he had. :D!!
Kaoru did his "ARGH IM SO COOL" move several times. Got much audience response, and then Toshiya held up his bass and got audience response as well. Mel and I joked about this later on on the way home, but each member has their own thing. Die has his "flick off the crowd" thing, Toshiya his "raising of bass" thing, Kaoru his "ARGH IM SO COOL" thing, Shinya his "flick hair when I come out for G.D.S." thing, and Kyo his "self-mutilation" thing. It was amusing coming up with Shinya's. :D
Hmm, other things...
Kyo had the "RAPE ME" bucket! He threw it on over his head and water fell on him and I saw "RAPE ME" and died. Everyone screamed. I was tempted to scream "MY PLEASURE!!" but didn't. -_-;;
Toshiya threw a water bottle at some point after taking a drink, and it landed like JUST to my left. I died and watched as several people fell to the ground in a desperate grab for it. *_* Looked violent. So I just shrugged and pulled Mel up to those people's places who'd went for it. XDDD -even more ninja- There was a bit of moshing that smashed into Mel and I, but generally it wasn't there.
Kyo was the first to leave the stage after CLEVER SLEAZOID (when he shouted "LAST SONG LAST SONG LAST SONG" before they started it, I screamed, "AHHH NOOOOO!!!!!!" ^^;;), but
he stared at us all for a bit before doing so. Think he spit water on people. Toshiya threw some picks as well as Kaoru and Die, and Shinya some drumsticks. Kaoru's pick landed very close to me, but for the sake of my life, I decided not to join the circle of fans grabbing for it.
Die splashed water from his water bottle all over the crowd, and OMG I GOT COVERED IN DIE-WATER-BACKWASH. =D!! I was like, "YAYYYYYY WATERRRR!!!" because by that time we were almost dead from lack of it. Some also landed on my hand which was joined with Mel's, so I raised my hand and licked it off. XD; -desperate for water as well as fangirly-
Then it was over. I was amazed. They were so fucking awesome. Sounded amazing, looked great... everything was perfect! And Kyo didn't knock himself out this time! :P
I looked at my cell and saw Nina had texted me, so I replied back. Then asked where she was, to which she replied near the bathrooms. We were in the middle of the place, so we walked back there and I was like, "Umm?" because there were so many people. So as I'm in the process of texting "TOO MANY PEOPLE. *_*" I hear, "Terah!!" AND WHOAZ IT'S NINA!! ^^;; Hug her, talk for a bit (sekritly keep in my "omg she is short :D" comments -shot-), and then she has to go. So after that Mel and I look around for Caitlin and Val. Found them. Talked for a bit. Also found
wing_goddessxxx again and talked to her for a bit. Same with
ripxvanxwinkle. XD
Then went to the washroom where tons upon tons of empty cups lined the sinks. Grabbed one, not really caring what might've been inside them, and rinsed/filled it up with water. Chugged it. Did that again. Chugged it. -_- Went back out and bought a coke. Sipped on that.
We passed by Fair to Midland selling some merchandise on the way out, and it looked like everyone was ignoring them, so Mel and I went up to them. Told them they were awesome. They gave us a free sticker. :D Mel bought a FTM poster as well as a CD, and they signed both. The CD was $8, and I only had $5 on me, so I was saddened. Asked if there was anything left for that much, and the one dude asked me, "That's all you have?"
Terah: Yes... -_-
Dude: Ah, I'll give you a discount then. :) -hands over CD-
Terah: =D Really? Thanks!
Dude: Yeah! Do you want it signed as well?
Terah: Of course! :D
Dude: ^_^ -signs it, as well as other members-
Dude2: What you drinking? -points at drink-
Terah: Ah, coke. ^_^;;
Dude2: Just coke?
Terah: ...Yes. -_-
Dude2: Sweet deal. :)
Terah: =D Yes, thank you!
They were really nice. :D They said they're coming back in April, but I doubt I'll go. -no money- But if you're interested...
The one guy signed it as "Brett" and then I'm assuming another member wrote below his "sucks". Lmao. XD
As we were on our way out, the security dude stopped me and took my drink. He said I couldn't take it outside. ;_; Which makes sense now as it was their glass, but damnit I was thirsty. Glared and left.
Fangirled with Mel/took stupid pictures of each other/texted Nina on the way home, and now here I am! I've got pictures to be developed, so you'll get those soon. ;)
Overall, BEST NIGHT OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. The crowd was awesome (we were loud omg! :D "SO I CAN'T LIVE! SO I CAN'T LIVE!"), the band was awesome, and it was just generally...
Awesome. ♥
Thank you, Dir en grey. ♥
PS: Mel swears Toshiya pointed and smiled at her. XD;
EDIT Three others things. Kyo did two acappellas that took my breath away. He's amazing. ♥
Also, OMFG when they did the "JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP" thing... during THE IIID EMPIRE, holyfuckingfuck. Fantastic! I was going insane and like jumping as high as I could and stuff. It lasted so long! :D
Annnnd, afterwards I saw a camera-dude filming the crowd, so I'm hoping there'll be a TOUR07 INWARD SCREAM or something with our show on it. XD;
Kyo and Toshiya. The two I looked at pretty much the entire time.
Last edited: July 18, 2007.