May 10, 2005 09:26
Not sure what it means.. or why.. but have you ever caught yourself constantly wondering about the past and wondering "what ifs" and etc, even when you're happy with what you've got and where you've got it.. It's just some.. fantasy? Something you day dream and wonder about ..sometimes? Ok.. a lot?I suppose only one person will catch my meaning or even understand what I don't.. but I certainly don't understand it or how to stop it.But what if I don't want it to stop? Oh for heaven's sake!!!! Damn it all to hell. Don't think about the past, can't think about the past. If I think about it.. I won't go forward.. I need to go forward.. Can I go forward? :: Bangs head on desk:: I give up. I'm going to get dressed. Later.
Ex's and ho's.