Who: Doctor
screwdrivrsonic and Rose
eating_chipsWhen: This afternoon
Where: A park in Roses’ alterna-dimension
What: Doctor finally coming back, albeit eight, Rose giggling at his cuteness and annoying him with it, talk of being safe and Jackie being a shopaholic.
Why: Because it’s too cute not to.
OOC: Characters who weren’t there can’t see, etc.
Vworp. Vworp. Vworp.
Rose was sitting on a swing in a park, which was the park she went to as a kid but wasn't. Her mother had taken the twins 'shopping', which meant they'd return with fifty hundred more outfits than they needed. She paused at the sound, her eyes scanning around, looking for a flash of blue.
Snug between a swingset and a slid, the TARDIS began to appear.
Rose arched a brow, chuckling lightly to herself. Well, this was either her Doctor, or they all had a complete inability to park.
The door opened, there was a clatter, and then nothing until a small body climbed up the ladder and slid down the slide. An Eight year old, dressed in brown pinstripes and a trench coat, dusted himself off and squinted at the sunlight before looking around.
Rose blinked at him, stood up from her swing, blinked again, then gave a gigglish squeal. "Oh my God, you are so CUTE!"
The little boy turned around and grinned. "Rowse!" he cried, his speech a bit impeded as he ran forward and hugged her waist.
Rose grinned, hugging him close. "Oh, I want to keep you"
"Missthed you!"
"I missed you too!", she said, hugging him tight, "And again, SO cute!"
The little wee Doctor giggled and bounced, hugging her tight as his little arms could. "I found a way to make it work!"
"Found a way to make what work?", she asked, giggling as she ruffled his hair.
"Sthtilty thingiesth of lenghteningisthicnessth!" he replied excitedly, beaming up at her.
Rose took a moment to decipher that. "Didn't get that last word, Love"
"Lengthening is thickness?", she tried
The little boy put his hands on his hips. "Lengthening-isth-ic-nessth!"
Rose blinked. "Nessth? Nest?"
"No t! Don't make fun of my impendiment."
Rose giggled. "I can't help it, you're so cute!"
He crossed his arms and scowled up at her. The impressiveness was ruined by the fact he was barely four feet tall, and his hair was all mussed.
Rose melted into helpless giggles, clutching her arms around her waist.
The Doctor stomped his foot.
This resulted in even MORE giggling. "Oh no", she laughed helplessly, "Don't!"
"ROWSE TYLER! Sthtop it!”
Rose fell to the floor with a thud, giggling in a undignified heap. "Oh,oh it hurts to laugh!"
He climbed over and SAT on her stomach, glaring down at her.
Rose blinked at him, giggling happily. "You are so adorable"
He grinned at that. "Of course I am."
"The power of cute", Rose nodded.
"Easier to crawl through air vents."
"...You didn't, did you?", she asked, arching a brow.
The Doctor coughed.
"Doctor!", she chastised, "You could get hurt!"
"I was trying to get UN hurt, thank you very mutch."
"UN hurt? By crawling around in a VENT?", she yelped
"There were grazlicks."
"Grazlicks?", asked Rose, arching a brow.
"Nasty buggers. Bigger'n me!"
Rose sighed, pulling him close. "You have to be careful, you can't fight things when you're little like this"
"Yes I can."
"No you can't"
"Can and DID."
"It doesn't make it safe", she frowned.
"And staying around the grazlicks was a good idea?"
"No", said Rose, "But...with the...UGH!"
"Still", Rose sighed, "I worry about you"
"I'm home now. And apparently sthitting on your sthomach," he said, climbing off.
"That's dis......", Rose blinked, then giggled, "Oh...right"
He held a hand down to help her up.
"Thanks", she smiled, taking it, then giggled, "I don't
think you can do it"
Rose chuckled, putting her feet under her, pushing herself up, so it looked like he did most of the work.
"SEE?" he said, once she was stood, clasping her hand.
"Well, what do you know", smiled Rose, "My big strong
The wee Doctor grinned. "So, where is evwyone?”
"Mum took the twins shopping", said Rose, the tone of doom evident in her voice.
"I need to convince the TARDIS to grow a bigger wardrobe room, don't I?"
"Afraid so", Rose nodded, "You know what she's like"
"They won't wear half of them before they've outgrown them," he warned.
"I know, I know", Rose sighed, "I DID try to tell her that, but she won't listen"
"We can give them away," he decided, nodding his tousled head.
"I think we'll have to, at least her non-favourites", Rose considered, "To a very distant planet"
The Doctor laughed, his voice high and childish. "We could give them to one of the colonies. Old fashioned, but they'd like them."
"It's settled then", she said, smiling happily at his laugh.