Sep 25, 2003 22:01
its been a while party ppl. i got my license!!! that made me a happy person. i went 2 hockey game....made me even happier....did habitat for humanity n nick foreman drove me home...made me the happiest person alive! but that was quickly shut down when i saw him in skool n he hardly acknowledged me...why i expected him 2 u ask? cuz i want him so shouldn't he want me? hahahahaha j/k. i know hes 2 hot 4 sux but its the way things are. i started swim team. its hard work but i wanna loose some lbs n get my arss in shape so i can look hot for danny next year! n for nick...i'll need like an extreme make over...haha. ok mayeb i'll try n stop bashin myself but i jus cant seem 2 do it! its like i just do it. n elise hung out this weekend. i had a really good time! i never get 2 see her skanky ass no mo! its about time! we hung by the pool n drank some we didnt i wish but we jus chilled n i made her watch dead man on campus. haha. 2day me n carly had somethin for firefigters. it was so fun! carly was gettin groped by old men while me n a coupkle of other firemen watched. lmao it was soooo funny! she was leg wound laquicha n i was sling wing they were so funny eh car? i said eh..haha well this funny FF steve made a comment bout some girls teeth n i laughed n nate says...that aeint right dont laugh at other ppl's faults...n i said why i laugh at u ur God's fault. omg i thought i was soooo funny. he jus looked at me. i usually try not 2 get a kick outta myself but that jus...wooo!!! but uhm i was supposed 2 be goin 2 verots homecomin this weekend but i've been let down. what went on no clue. i was told so many things jus need an answer...i get tired. neway i picked jess up from work yesterday with candice. she gave us free mcflurrys. they were good. i'm gonna give up ice cream for new years. lol or Lent. when is lent? what is it? lmao i seriously 4get. 9 years in a catholic skool! DAMN! lol but i took pics of jess's belly 4 her. baby's due in december! every1 get her good gifts 4 the baby shower like one outfit n somethin useful like dipers or a stroller if ya really love her! but uhm what else ohhhh my braces come off on november 3rd! I"M SO EXCITED! but i gots 2 go...its gettin late!