Nostalgia Night

Apr 29, 2010 23:25

Not even kidding. You have no idea how nostalgic this makes me.


- Fucking mimes, bringing down property values. As far as I'm concerned the entire Penny Arcade Game series is inspired by this show.

- Hey, it's all the completely minor characters I'd forgotten about. Like the chef from the Les Miseranimals sketch and the Julie Andrews character.

- The music in Animaniacs was always great.

- Also, Rita is voiced by Bernadette Peters. Let me say that again. Bernadette. Peters.

- A haypenny is a Big Fucking Deal. Obviously, Animaniacs is teaching children about deflation.

- Chopped wood, and CHOP SUEY?!

- Season tickets for the Lakers are a haypenny.

- Why is Dot always the one who is adorably sick?

- Wow. Tax forms. "Your federal government thanks you."

- The mime just put a mimed flower in the barrel of a musket.

- It is getting difficult to type about this as the cat is now laying across my arms.


- Yakko is the best older brother. I love Yakko. I loved Yakko so much when I was little, I barely escaped being a furry. A nondescript animal furry.

- Jess Harnel and his Ringo impression for Wakko makes me giggle. The voice actors in this snow were incredible.

- OH MY GOD IT'S PIP AS THE GOOD FAIRY. He later goes on and becomes the pixies in Fairly Oddparents. Related: Bueller. Bueller.

- I miss the 90s. Is that bad thing? This review is relevant.

- Minerva Mink?! Oh man.

- I am extremely tempted to do this as a theatrical version. No one would appreciate it, but it would be AWESOME, and it's already structured like a play.

- Dear Warners: WHY ARE YOU TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT THE WISHING STAR?! This seems counter to your best interests.

- When Pinky sings you can almost tell it's Rob Paulsen. Rob Paulsen is one of my favorite VAs.

- I never really liked Pinky and the Brain as much as most of my friends. I think it's because the slapstick violence was too awkward. Otherwise it's a fairly standard comedy formula. With intelligent mice.

- Mindy's mom is a black and yellow version Snow White! Oh snap, Disney. LOL. Bumblebee lady.

- There are so many leitmotifs in this. They just mixed George of the Jungle with the Slappy the Squirrel theme. Richard Stone was a genius.

- Pink and Pharfignewton. OTP. Not to mention the horse is male...

- I realized that Animaniacs has trained me from a very young age to believe that Studio executives are munny-grubbing old men who are anti-art. Wow, what.

- Poltz and Ralph both have three fingers. The King has four fingers.

- Hey! I learned what squabs are from The Fantastic Mr. Fox. (Goodfeathers just showed up)

- Hello Nurse wants to be loved for her brain. "Hello Brain!" Brain: "I am not amused."

- I approve of strapping canons to a stage coach.

- Jess Harnell didn't do Wakko's famous burps; Marice LaMarche did.

- Oh no, the Cave of Your Worst Nightmares is Jerry Lewis, a reference to the "Potty Emergency" episode, and Barney. I had no idea who Jerry Lewis was when I was watching this originally.

- Now the Warners discuss the dangers of literal interpretation of language.


- Arbitrary plot now comes in. The Warners are actually the children of the previous rulers. Just, in case, you didn't see that coming.

- I think I cried when I was little. I mean, I cry at everything, so it's not that big a deal. But still, that's kind of embarrassing.

- Wakko does have the best wish. All things considered. He's a very down to earth little kid.

- Also, that entire ordeal was just to get Dot plastic surgery. Can't say I approve.

- Hello Nurse is shaped like a bottle.

- "He used to like nuts, now he's discovered dates."

- I could never stand Buttons and Mindy because of "Bad dog! Bad, bad dog!" I always felt so, so sad for Buttons. T_T

- I kinda love Hello Nurse.

- Ralph wanted to be a director?! LOL

- Faboo!


- YES WHEEL OF MORALITY: "When you're blue, try not to moan. You gotta cheer up and never ever give up hope!"


animaniacs, voice actors

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