So I have 2 days off work in a row. What am I doing?
Laundry - a week's worth, ugh
Catching up on Bible reading
A little fanfic - both reading and writing
Watching the Babylon 5 DVD that came from Blockbuster
Getting daughter ready for missions trip
Starting to clean out closets as we are probably moving
Feeding son - he's 11; it's a full-time job
Watching General Hospital
I received a new book yesterday from UK. The Perfect King. It's about Edward III and so far, so good. About 80% percent of native English folk are descended from him. It's difficult to trace illegitimate children in the Middle Ages so that figure could be as high as 95%.
slm76 very likely has royal blood flowing through her veins. Don't let it go to your head, sweetie. Although I already knew you're the best!