Jul 21, 2005 06:30
Hmm.Right now Iam eating Vanilla pudding without trying to kill myself from the pain of swallowing anything.Meh.I just "woke up".Well..actually Im pretty sure I spent most of my night in even MORE pain then the night before.After talking to Miles for maybe 2 hours, the conversation ended around 1:30 or perhpas 2:00 am.So...I tried going to bed.I brought Kasumi into bed with me...she wanted to play rather then sleep.So I played with her for a little bit.I dont remember much of the night...because I was awake nearly the whole time but my body was attempting to sleep.Its hard to explain.Though there is one thing not hard to explain.The pain Iam experiencing is like getting stabbed in both ears at the same time,while having the inside of your throat ripped apart and your head getting hit by a truck...
So I decided...Iam going to the doctors >_< Cause If I have to spend one more night like that...I dont know what Iam going to do, but its not going to be fun.Ehhh.I already know what to expect from today.Its going to suck.