Nov 04, 2008 21:41
I really, really like him. In the 18 months that I've been with Dave, 14 months of which we've spent living together, this is the first time that I've done as much as bat an eyelid at another person, let alone another man. I've always thought, throughout the relationship so far, that it would be unlikely that I got with another man if Dave & I were to split up. Men, other than Dave, just don't interest me anymore for anything other than sex. I couldn't imagine having serious relations with men if Dave & I were to split up, unless it was someone particulary sexy and particulary charming and particulary enthralling. And then he turned up. He's quite similar to Dave, which is probably why I'm so drawn to him. But it's strange. This has never happened with Dave before, that I quite fancy someone else too.
He kept hinting that we'd get it on if I wasn't with Dave, although I'm sure Dave wouldn't mind too much if I did sleep with him if Dave could watch, or be told about it in detail afterwards, lol. The whole cheating thing turns D on. But, but! Mmm. No, it's not right. What I have with D is so much more. Heh. We had a lovely night last night. We didn't have sex, but we were up late, talking & kissing & it was wonderful. He was talking about marriage & he said something today about proposing. He's not going to because he knows what my answer would be, but he still spoke about it.
I'm worried that all the plans we'll have will die when I -eventually- head off to Uni if I meet someone else. It is very possible. He wouldn't cope. Our relationship has been his life since the beginning.
And in other news..... COME ON OBAMA!!! :D
Argh! Get out of my head! I can't stop thinking about him. Oops.