(no subject)

Dec 07, 2006 15:15

two nights ago started with c. & i indulging in some sweet maryjane. then, a. came and picked me up and took me to b.&s.'s house for a while. guitar hero 2 & more maryjane was in full effect. what a fabulous evening. haha, even though i didnt get home until 4am. its allllll good. then last night i went to see vampire for hire & bedlight for blue eyes play. it was pretty redic... not gonna lie, those boys looked good on stage. but then afterwards i went back to the house with them & once again enjoyed myself with that plant who does wonders, & sat in c.'s room with some of the dumbest girls i have ever met. she freaked out when ls told her he was in crash romeo. i was like oh god. and then the one girl couldn't light the bowl, she kept buring her finger. amateurs. seriously. i wanted to shoot myself. so i ventured downstairs to more guitar hero & all these boys hovering around it. its cute to see them get so into it. & b. just toally kills that game. its crazy. but yeah, it was nice to see n. again & i dont know what going to happen with that. we'll see i guess. only time can tell. & i wanna go on tour, seriously.

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