Jan 27, 2012 15:04
it's always fear that drives it. fear of loss, of rejection. it's incredibly selfish, and it's the common reaction of the insecure male. however, the exploits of the female are incredibly selfish as well. so it's a struggle of power. but i don't think a compromise is needed. just reassurance.
and if that fails, the loss is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
second to fear of loss, it's envy and shame. he doesn't want me standing above him. he is unsure of what to do with his own life, and my success reminds him of this daily. but he is so talented in many ways.
i know, i know. this is all too familiar. i am just being headstrong and completely honest. maybe i won't have to leave him for him to get his life straight and realize i was right all along. this time. maybe.