Nov 15, 2005 22:28
I think its time I update. Not because I enjoy writing these things, more because I don’t feel like being harassed any longer.
My life is pretty much the same as always, very routine. Wake up, go to school, do pointless things (this includes doing anything I can find that is not school related, and usually takes up a good portion of my day), after I do nothing I might even go to bed.
I think I would become nocturnal if I could, night is so much better than day.
Anyways, back to my quality life. On good days I get to play with my nice dead cat Ralph, we got to crack her ribs last week. That’s right. I said HER ribs. upon further investigation we discovered that Ralph is actually a female cat, the group decided that it‘s not right to change her name after 3 weeks. so it stays. I have also decided that connective tissue sucks. It definitely took us 2 hours to pull all of it off the stupid cat. Stupid connective tissue and its being everywhere. BOOO! There no need to for it…go away connective tissue look like spider webs.. and YOU SUCK! Thursdays are good days. I’m a fan. But I must say, Tuesdays hardcore blow. Every time I go to clinical I die a little bit inside. There is no need for an 8 hour class. It’s just….death. I’m glad its over for the week. Only 2 more this semester! Woohoo! Too bad I have to take it every semester…hopefully it gets more exciting next year. Enough with the school talk..its making me sad.
Hmmm..a new topic. Let’s see. Oh yeah! Last week I saw the fattest squirrel ever! It was sitting on a bench. Normally I wouldn’t think that this is unusual either. But this thing had an apple held in one of its paws? claws? squirrelly hands? lets just call them squirrel hands for the time being. Anyway, this squirrel was sitting on the bench eating a whole apple held in one of its hands..can you imagine the size of this squirrel! I did a double take. It was crazy. I laughed for hours. It’s amazing all the things you see when you are at school early.
I think im done now. i’ve done my duty of updating.
Im going to end this thing by saying I love people that make it blatantly obvious when they’re lying. It makes me laugh.
“You have feelings in your heart for him. Be honest now”
-movies that are horribly dubbed are amazing.
-avoid people in green that smell ears and eat eyes.
Ps. He loves you… you order the same drink, his name start with a “J” and you have extreme conversations about snowflake cookies. I think it was meant to be. Hahaha
I forgot to say that sheeva almost died yesterday. I forgot to poke her, but I did give her juice instead. I still don’t know why she would put herself through something like that. You crazy. I guess its all done in the name of saving people. Way to try to be good person. Giving blood won’t make up for the evil you’ve done though buddy! But you can keep trying….because trying is apparently all that matters. We all know that’s not true though. Children are lied to from the that is sad.
Speaking of children, today they let me teach grade 1s for an hour. I really don’t see how I’m qualified to teach anyone anything, it’s actually pretty scary. But for the most part it was fun, the kids were pretty entertaining and kinda cute. The only bad thing I would say was the fact that the kids knew nothing. I’m really not that patient, so I spent a good chunk of the presentation laughing at the kids. Go me!
On another note harry potter comes out Friday! Im pumped! Me and the loser got our tickets on Sunday! So we are ready. Friday is going to be an intense hp filled day. It should be an enjoyable.
there is exactly one month until i turn 18. woo
Ok im actually done now, im pretty sure this is the longest entry I’ve ever done..go me!
*I would like to take the time to apologize to the people that actually read this. I feel bad for you. You just wasted 5 minuets of your life that you will never get back and for this I am sorry.*