It's Friday night and I am home. I am a loser. My friends wanted me to go bowling...I agreed but then changed my mind like 5 minutes later. I really didnt feel like hanging out at a depressing bowling alley drinking 5 dollar beers all night. So my alternative was to stay home and play Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. I started my quest but never finished. I guess it's about time I do so. If anyone likes music... check out my junk. Leave me a nice little message on my message board. I would add lyrics to my songs but I am a big chickenshit so yeah. Someone should start up like a brainiac nerd community or a LJ crush O the week or some ish. I have tons of Maybe they're already communities and I am just a big douche. Leave me comments I like that. Or ask me questions...thats always fun.