May 21, 2007 10:12
I feel like such a whiny baby after reading my last post. That's probably because everything worked out in the end and we ended up making it to the cottage for the weekend. Henry's car needed a new starter, and they were able to fix it by about 4pm on Friday ($700 later!!). We made it to the cottage by 8pm that night. Saturday was GORGEOUS. We went for a couple walks with the dog, and took a little canoe trip. The weather on Sunday was cold and rainy, but I'd rather be at the cottage than in the city no matter what the weather is like. Chris ended up straining his lower back and getting sick, but he generally kept his spirits up, the trooper he is.
I got an e-mail from the lady that interviewed me on Friday. Apparently I now have to wait until this Friday to find out whether or not I got the job. I am crossing my fingers for the job downtown, because that way I may be able to keep a few hours in the evening at Metropolitain. Heather wants me to work weekends if I get this other Monday - Friday job, but I absolutely refuse. Though I do need the funds, there is no way in hell that I am willing to work 7 days a week to get them. At the rate I would burn out within 2 weeks, and it just isn't worth it. Last week Heather told me that she wanted to me quit volunteering, and to stay at Metropolitain full time. This lady has absolutely no idea how to make her staff happy. I asked for a raise back in September and have yet to receive it. She NEVER thanks me for all of the hard work that I do for this place, or all of the times that I change my schedule around to make sure that all of the shifts here are covered. But of course, she has no problem pointing out any mistakes a make. If something goes wrong, the first thing that she thinks to do is to find out who to blame, rather than to figure out ho to fix the problem. If she is to blame, however, she does all that she can to mask that fact. I don't hate a lot of people, but my feelings towards her are borderline hatred. Though she may be an ok person in the real world, she makes my life on the job absolutely miserable. Little does she know that she is going to be so screwed when I leave.
I can't believe that I haven't written about what we have decided for our honeymoon yet! Originally we were looking into the idea of either heading out west to the Rockies, or heading South to the Caribbean. Either way we would have ended up paying about $3000 for the trip. The idea of spending so much money for a one week vacation when we could put that money towards something that we actually need really stressed me out to the point where it would have been difficult to enjoy myself. SO, we have decided to do something that is very "us"..... we're going camping and canoeing in the interior of Algonquin Park for a week! Woohoo! Now that we've made a final decision I am so excited for that time to come! We've both been camping for our entire lives, but neither of us have gona on a camping excursion this extreme. We definitely need to bulk up on supplies. Since we don't have a lot of household items that we need, we have decided to make a gift registry at Canadian Tire for a lot of the supplies that we will need for camping. Of course we don't expect gifts and would just rather have everyone be there to celebrate for us, but we realize that there are stubborn individuals who will insist on bringing you a gift anyway. So why not ask for things that we need, rather than risk receiving ten porcelain roosters? Anyway, we ordered a few guide books for the interior of Algonquin Park, so when those arrive we are going to pick our campsites and canoe routes. It is likely that we will stay at 2 or 3 different campsites throughout the week. We hope to pick routes that have minimal portaging, as the canoe will be filled with so much gear and will likely be quite heavy. CAN'T WAIT!!
I've been at work for 2 hours and the phone has only rang ONCE. It is crazy busy out in the restaurant, but the phones are dead. You've gotta love holidays (and getting paid time and a half for doing nothing)!
My Aunt Linda and Uncle Don gave me a really nice, high quality mountain bike when I graduated high school. Chris doesn't have a bike, so they decided to give him the matching men's bike as an engagement present. Both of the bikes are used, but were about $1200 each to begin with, so we're not complaining. There are some pretty amazing bike trails around Ottawa so we're really looking forward to finally being able to explore them all. I think it's about a 15 km trek to Parliament Hill from our place, so I'm pretty sure that we're going to try that run out on Saturday. I am hoping that I can get into somewhat better shape soon, as I've been feeling like such a blob lately. I hate the fact that it is so much more expensive to eat healthy than it is to eat crap food. Don't get me wrong, I don't scarf down fast food that often, and don't eat a ton of sweets. I think the main problem is that I am lacking in nutrients in my diet. I eat a lot of carbs, and will usually only get about 2-4 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. I carry most of my extra baggage around my mid-section, which is evidence of both overeating and stress. I seriously need to work on this.
C'est tout pour maintenant!