Mar 29, 2007 17:51
i cannot seem to fully relax this what it means to grow up and have responsibilities? if it is...i dont want anything to do with it...until i have to...
im coming up to the end of my stay at valencia (3 years later!) and now i have the GREAT task of quickly finding out what i want to do with the rest of my life. so to me, i have (or had) 3 years to decide what it was i wanted to do for the next 30 years...GREAT! i have 2 choices of of course UCF and the other ITT Tech. if i stay on my planned course i would go to UCF and completly ditch ITT but if i wanna throw (pratically) my years at VCC, ill pick ITT. at UCF theres probably 4-5 majors im looking into....and at ITT theres only one. so which is it? who is worthy enough for my money and my time? which one will keep me motivated? which one will keep me happy for the next 30 years? and which one will make me so much money i wont ever have to worry about budgeting?
next is housing....stay home or move out w/ ricky. both require to pay utilities. either or, ill alywas be spending more time w/ ricky. at his place. i move in. were happy. we fight. we kill each other. who knows. i dont. this freaks me out. i need CERTAINTY and i dont seem to get it ANYWHERE i turn. moving out w/ rick would keep me closer to UCF but farther from ITT and my parents. should we make this step? it needs to happen eventually. but should i do it NOW especially when i have school stressing me out the most?
last is a still unemployed! im looking for work but im so picky! i dont want retail....and it has to pay $10/hr or up....retail usually starts at 7. i cant do that! how would i pay the bills? so now im freaking out cus im trying to lower my standards but i just dont know if i should. i really need a job before i move out with ricky.