Apr 01, 2004 01:57
Guess whos back? Back again, Clintons back tell a friend! Oh what a week I've had. There was no Quest, I was very bummed, but then I went to the movies with Tara! (melt) We held hands! Go us! Those darn arm rests restricted cuddling, but it was cool. Monday was cool cause I stayed in my house all day playing Pokemon. Plus, on Raw SHELTON BENJAMIN CLEANLY PINNED HHH. Oh I was in major shock. Sorry to all you non-wrestling fans (98% of my readers, gotta please that 2%). Tuesday was fun, more Pokemon PLUS I spent some time with Tara (melt). We went to Steak and Shake and she just kept shoving food towards me...THANKS BABE I was starving. Now on today, oh much fun, more Pokemon and Paper Mario! Oh I'm a dork I know. Route 56 was great, we had a Beach Blast! It was sweet! My team won the contest. Afterwords I saw Tara (melt). I gave her a wussy hug (slaps self) because I had to leave but then when I got home Tara and I were talking about all kinds of things, and its great to have such a great girlfriend who you can talk about anything with! And now I am posting some great stuff, and talking to the one, the only, the beautiful, the babe...TARA (melt).