Nov 27, 2004 01:12
WOW why is my life so cool!!! I start my night off gorman's house. There was his brother kyle, i must say i love the guy. Barone, and macko arrive they start drinking, i dont however dur to me opperating the automobile tonight. Smart gorman decides he is going to shave his.....YEAH! Remindes me of the good old days, anyways he kyle shaves brandons head straight razor. I must admitt it looks good, but wait till the next mourning when the razor burn I would love to be there to see that. Well thats finished so we decide to hit up Nick mahoney's party. Yeah well we get there and the pary's off. COOL!!!! Why in gods name would tell everyone and not have it faggot! Oh wait we find out he decided to go to a friends house, what a pussy! Anyways its hill time. We arrive at the hill start to drink, but realize we need a fire. So me, mack, and barone go and get lighter fluid. We come back with the fluid and 2 wooden grates, that we took from the corner store. We get there we start the man made fire, and more people grace us with there presents. Its justin sheerwood, bova, flynn, and the wing flapper. Well jackie is fucking trash and passes out/ trys to get attention! Well she got from some that actually cared, not me of course. So that bussiness is dealt with and the PO-9 units arrive. Yes well that shits on the party. So most of the pussys run, but me, barone, macko, julia go down. We get down there the cop was pretty nice, He just told us not to come back or we will get arrested. But says we can leave till everyone gets down. So barone goes gets everyone to get down, and the cop proceeds to read the riot act. Jackie has the fucking nerve to laugh at the man, after he was being more than resonable. Show some fucking respect, but i guess that what you should expect from something that has wings! Anyways he lets us go and barone and macko flip on jackie. They tell her no one wants her arround what is true. "your fucking annoying and i hate you bitch"- jonathon barone. Its true though everyone does hate so what they said was no lie. Well enough bird talk. the night ends there. Life needs to start getting better, i hate this pain, and no drinking. I need to get away! "ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL, WE BOYS FOR LIFE"- at least some of us..........