(no subject)

Apr 05, 2005 18:31

I should be writing my research paper thats due tomorrow... but somehow I ended up browsing on LJ and Facebook for like over 2 hours. I feel so college. Well- I was in a bad mood all day today for some reason and used it as a reason to kinda snap at whoever I was around. Sorry you =( Anyways last night I realized how much it amazes me that I finally found someone I can COMPLETELY relate to. I have been searching for that for so long and I found you! Thank you for our conversation last night- you never cease to amaze me =) I will not let you go next year, you can believe me on that one! (You told me I had to write about you in my LJ or else no one would read it - so I am! Is this good enough?) hehe.. actually you are probably mad at me right now so you may not ever read it hahahaa. I cant wait to work this weekend with my wonderful Sarah Milkcarton and Miley blu! I honestly just cant wait for Thursday to be overwith- that means paper will be turned in, physics quiz will be over with, annnd chapel of course. Then it will be one less week til graduation (which is currently at 5!) Holy frick! Anyways- I guess I gotta go get to work on my gay paper because American Idol comes on in an hour and 40 minutes and I am gonna set a goal to get it done before.. its not gonna happen but Im gonna work like it will! ehh I wanna say more but I dont know what cuz I dont wanna ramble. I ran into one of my favorite people in the world last night at Barnes and Nobles (where I was supposed to be workin on my paper) and talked for hours. I do sometimes miss my friends from Washington.. I feel so disconnected from them now- its sad, but good. If that makes sense.
Oh ya one question. Isnt it the coolest feeling when you are constantly searching and pleading for an answer from God and you find it in direct text in your Bible when you are least expecting it? Man.. God is amazing. So are yall.. Peace and love, Hay
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