Mar 04, 2008 15:13

I have a new found respect for Ricki Lake!

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God the trailer reminds me of the birth of my son. When I was in my 3rd trimester I was opted to epidurals, pitocin and even a c-section if I was too afraid of labor. My life changed when I picked up this book. I recommend this book to any expecting mother. This book taught me that child birth wasn't a negative experience and it can be done naturally. Plus it taught me to be cautious of birthing in the hospitals. The overuse of pitocin, being hooked up to machines, scaring moms during the birthing process in order to promote c-sections.
Since my insurance did not cover natural birthing centers and this was my 1st birth I decided on the hospital. It was awful. I was admitted at 3cm. I was strapped to those god damn monitors, even though I wasn't on pitocin. I was told months prior I could walk around the hospital to help dilation but when I was there they refused. I could not move since it would set off the readings on the monitors. So imagine hours of pain and having to lay still on a hospital bed. Did I mention you are not allowed to eat in the hospitals!! Several doctors kept coming into the room telling me ( BULLSHIT ) the labor is progressing too long, the baby might be in danger, maybe the baby is too big and told me I need a c-section. I laughed and told them that is bullshit they need to leave me alone! As the contractions became more severe and me laying in that hospital bed as the contractions increased to unearthly pain I begged for the epidural. So I got some needed rest and within a few hours and 1 1/2 hours of pushing my little man was born at 4:54 am on a Tuesday. My labor started around 3 am Monday morning.
After he was born, I nursed him immediately. The nurses were trying to give him formula, saying his sugar was low (more BULLSHIT.) My OB/GYN doctor insured me this was false and to continue nursing. They took him away to clean him up and I got some needed rest. When I woke about a half hour later they brought him into the room... and gave him formula AFTER I told them he was going to be exclusively breast feed. This happened several times. Nurses telling me lies. "He needs the formula." "Your breast milk is not enough."
The hospital also gave me grief for refusing the Hep B vaccine which I found unnecessary and useless. I was so happy to just be at home with my new family. I am now convinced hospitals are all about big business and future children with be birthed either at home or at a birthing center.
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