Oct 05, 2005 13:36
Write 20 Random Facts About Yourself, Then Tag The Same Number Of People As Minutes It Takes You To Write The Facts. If You're Tagged, It's Your Turn.
1. i love spongebob, for real.
2. im a dog person
3. i talk in my sleep and my roomate tells me about it
4. im addicted to buying clothing
5. i can connect everything to a monty python reference
6. i haven't made out with anyone in 2 weeks.. and it sucks (haha stef)
7. any time i drive anywhere, there is a 90% chance i will get lost along the way
8. i'm a phyisics nerd. really.
9. aparantly i'm mean, and aparantly thats a bad thing
10. batman is sexy
11. i could live on junk food alone
12. i laugh at everything.. even if its about me because i'm a joke. hah (i copied stef again...)
13. i'm going to be one of those ladies with the dog in her purse at all times
14. most of my clothes are navy, or match well with navy
15. i worked at jcrew this summer, i pop my collar to piss you off
16. i'm lousy at beer pong but i play anyway
17. i need noise to sleep, tv, music, or random noise... it just cant be quiet
18. i dont really like spooning, its not a comfy way to sleep
19. i was never allowed to babysit cause id kill the kid by accident
20. i routinely set the microwave on fire by accident
i didnt pay attention to how long this took me, a while i think.
do it people!
yeah, lifes good. lots of homework, home this weekend till tuesday.
i think im gonna sneak into my house and visit my puppies, hopefully mom has work on tuesday.
i'll give a good update after the fun of this weekend.