Feb 03, 2011 10:33
The other day I was thing about colours, black, white, yellow, etc . . . but more in the terms of application to skin colour. I wanted to know A) when being white became a bad thing & B) why we really had to distinguish being white or black or any other colour anyway? I feel like there are numerous instances when being white is seen as bad because yes, we are unfortunately more privileged than others, does that make me less human? It's like taking advantage of every opportunity you have, I just happen to have skin colour on my side. I don't think that one would knock someone for using what they have at their disposal (money, fame, looks) to get some sort of job or anything, so why is skin colour any different? The unfortunate side of this story is that we have to talk about people using colour, why can't we be satisfied just being people? I'm not saying to not be proud of who you are, by all means, be proud, but why do we have to look down on someone just because of colour, be it black or white. White people are discriminated against too, we're seen as evil, as money-grabbers, as thinking we're entitled, people just assume that, stereotype, so yes, I as a white person do get discriminated against because people want to make minorities feel more equal by choosing them for things.
And yes, minorities are discriminated against far more than I, black, gay, Asian, etc . . . I get that, and it isn't a pretty sight. One thing that does bother me though is, please don't come up to me preaching about how your people used to be slaves and you feel hurt by that, were you a slave? No, didn't think so (And don't tell me you're a slave to the man). Sure, your family may have been part of that culture, but we're trying to change that aren't we, the more you bring it up, the more prominent the negativity of the subject will be. No, you probably don't get all the opportunities you should, so do something about it. Dr. King did, see what happened. You can make a change in your own life, and yeah, you might have to struggle for it. I struggle too. I don't have a ton of money, I don't know where I want to go with my life, I don't have a lot of experience, but that's part of living. You have to make a path for yourself, live for yourself.
All I'm saying is, why discriminate one way or the other, it doesn't really prove any point.
I feel like this didn't come across as well as I would have liked, so if you have questions or want me to try to clarify, leave a comment.
In no way am I trying to offend anyone, it's just food for thought.