Oct 14, 2003 16:35
Today was pretty mediocre. I was really pissed off about the rain though because the rain makes me really super depressed. Besides that, I was cold. I found out I got a B- in algebra! YES! The cut off is an 86, and I have an 85.9!!! Yes. I'm so glad that they round up. Now I have all A's and B's so my mommy will love me. lol. Hm...Today some little ICP chick came up and started ranting about how we shouldn't yell "ICP SUCKS!" because it's retarded and immature. And I was all like "Well, Mr. Koers didn't buy *US* maturity books, did he?" Our principal bought a book for every freshman about being a responsible teenager. It says some goofy stuff. So now it's like...part of their class lesson to all read it. Stupid immature frosh.
xx.Do you enjoy depressing music? Only when I'm in a bad mood
xx.What makes you sigh? Stupid people and sad things
xx.How many hours a day, on average, do you spend feeling sorry for yourself? Very little...I *try* to be positive
xx.Who or what always brings you down? Hurt puppies, bad grades, sad people
xx.Do you wear glasses? haha..I have emo glasses and silver glasses (lol..Yes, both prescription)
xx.What frightens you? OMG! Scary stuff..Like..Movies. And bugs.
xx.Do you wear sweaters all the time? ...I'll stick with hoodies
xx.What makes you tick? Tick?
xx.How many times has your heart been broken? Hm..Lots. I'm super fragile. But it's all fixed now. :)
xx.What do you think of Dashboard Confessional? I like some of it.
xx.Tell me about that time you broke that law! A couple times.
xx.What or who pisses you off? Friends being mean
xx.Would you rather date a sissy or a homebody? Sissy
xx.Sex or drugs or breaking stuff? BREAKING STUFF!
xx.The Clash or The Ramones? The Clash
xx.What do you think about Anarchy? It can never happen. Even if you believe in this idea, it can't be achieved. But for most, It's a trend
xx.Tell me about a prank you played! ...No.
xx.How many times have/were you kicked out of that place?! Haha..Mall.
xx.Are you in trouble all the time? Nope. :)
xx.Do you want to die? Nope.
xx.What do you think about graveyards? I'm terrified of them.
xx.Do you write poetry often? No. I can't rhyme
xx.How much black clothing do you own? I like colors. :)
xx.What type of makeup do you wear? Eyeliner, Concealer, Chapstick, Mascara
xx.What do you think about pain? ...Ouch.
xx.Masochism or sadism? Neither.
xx.How do you feel about the rest of the world? The world is filled with a bunch of stupid people.
xx.Do you cry often? ...When I see sad stuff. :(
xx.What do you think about vampires? ...No
xx.How messy are you in general? I'm clean.
xx.Do you bang your head on things repeatedly? Nope.
xx.What do you think of mullets? ...Ew
xx.When did you start drinking alchohol? Hm...I actually have no idea. 12 maybe? lol
xx.Do you go to concerts often? Yep
xx.What bands rock your pants off? Oh so many.
xx.What do you think about violence? *squint*
xx.Who or what makes you homicidal? Avril Lavigne
xx.Worship Satan or practice black magic? Black Magic
xx.How wild are you in general? I'm totally wild. :)
xx.Are you wearing any dirty clothes right now? Nope
xx.How often do you do the laundry, anyway? Like...every day
xx.Do you wear flannel shirts a lot? Never
xx.When was the last time you showered? Last night
xx.Do you speak clearly? Most of the time
xx.Are you a lazy person? Sadly, yes.
xx.Do you play any instruments? I can play guitar and piano
xx.Who or what do you rant about a lot? Hm...Avril.
xx.Empathy or Sympathy? Empathy
xx.What do you think about Nirvana? I don't like them
xx.What makes you different from the rest of them? I'm smart. And...I don't know I have my own very unique opinions on everything
xx.Who or what makes you bitter? Racists.
xx.What was the last big decision you made? Hm...Sadly...I haven't really had too many
xx.Are you a happy-go-lucky type of person? Yes. :)
xx.What do you think about conformity? I don't like it. But to each their own.
xx.How hard do you work to get what you want? Very.
xx.What do you resent? Stupid people.
xx.Why might some people consider you to be an asshole? I speak my mind. Loudly.
xx.Do you trust others? Too easily
xx.Are you a loyal friend? To the ones I like.
xx.Do you live in the ghetto? Nope
xx.Have you ever even held a gun before? Yes
xx.How much bling do you own? Sadly, none.
xx.Would you rather have your best friend be a wangsta or a wigga? Damn. We'll go with Wanksta.
xx.Would you rather be bustin' caps or rollin' joints? Bustin' caps motha fucka
xx.Big butts or big boobs? Definately butts.
xx.What's your best pickup line? We'll go with..."What up, shawty?!?!?"
xx."Fo' Sho" or "Yeah, son"? Fo' sho'
xx.What race are most of your friends? I'll go with an even mix of black and white
xx.Ever been to prison? Nope.
xx.Who or what makes you so excited you piss your pants? Going to a concert.
xx.Prep or Yuppie? We'll go with...yuppie
xx.How much money do you spend on bad music? None. :)
xx.Justin Timberlake or Nick Carter? Justin
xx.How many of your friends still listen to NKOTB? Never
xx.Do you like mainstream music? Some.
xx.Do you want to be a pop diva? Can't say I do.
xx.How many times, on average, do you say "like" in a sentence? All the time when I'm saying dialogue.
xx.OMIGOD or OMG? OMG! lol (I'm just kidding when I say that)
xx.Ditsy or just plain stupid? Ditzy.
Pat <3 latero.