Weird holiday: ZEX | Jan | Nightcrawler |
Mindy |
Vanya The FAYZ is awful, news at 11: Tyson | Desmond | Cindy | Senoo | Finnick | Rogue
There is no way our plans will fail: Mindy
Ominous countdown: Hit Girl
Mandatory hugs: Luffy | Vanya | Julian |
Parker Magneto is here!!: Magneto | Jubilee
Plansss: Vanya
Let us live with you: Jack | Rika | Hit Girl | Tavros | Cindy | Vanille | Hanna | Lambda | Senoo | Jessica | Parker | ZEX | Jin | Ryuuken | Gracia | Finnick | Tiffany | Vanya
Kobato | Vanya
Lalala more beer: Hijikata | Ramona | Rogue | Varric |
Charles #1 worst role model: Laurie
Prepping: Jalen | Meric |
Vanya Two gaiaphages?: Wally | Elena | Cindy | Takeru | Airi | Souji | Cess | Robin | Krillin | Jubilee | Santana | Rogue | Tsukasa | Jack
FAILBATTLE: Virusaur | Mindy | Vanya | Cess | Wally | Jack | Tavros | Cindy
Aftermath of failbattle: Parker |
Jack | Cess | Julian Being "helpful": Parker
Carnival: Vanya
Butt alien: Jubilee |
Jay 4th Walling:
Diana Ladris |
Vanya |
Damian Camp merchandise: Kagura
Kupo: Niche | Vanya
The failest fight: Klaus
The Enigma of CFUD: Jessica
Pool party: Vanya | Finnick | Rogue | Jubilee
4th wall repair: Jack | Jay |
Tavros Creepin' on Magneto: Dadneto
Vanya has powers, Brianna is annoying: Vanya | Takeru |
Mindy |
Cess NEW MUTIE: Anole | Cindy | Jubilee
Criminal behavior: Hanna | Tiffany | Dave |
Lambda |
Molly "Borrowed" stuff: Vanya
Subconscious dive event: Vanya | Steve | Julian
Dressed up as Dadneto: Emily | Magneto | Vanya | Molly | Kurt |
Jay Nametags: Anole
Cabin hunt: Carmela | Rainbow Dash
Horribad tea party: Jaime | tiny!Machika | Senoo |
Vanya I want details: Kaine | Lambda | Wally | Hifumi | Pappi | Franky | Maka | Goku | Mindy | Cindy | Garrus | C. C. | Cornelia | Jade | John | Parker | Hisoka | Kagura | Babs | Roxie | Hanna | Rico | Spencer | Chizuru | Okumura | Rogue | Jessica | Katou | Rain | Jack | tiny!Machika | Professor X | Anole | Batwoman | Laurie | Julian | Tony | Steve
More stuff is banned: Vanya
Smug Super: Kagura | Lambda | Kurt
That awkward feel: Professor X | Magneto | Kurt
I break a truth post in the first comment: Anole | Airi | Cindy | Vanya
Dessert at Applebee's: Nowaki | Takeru | Cess | Ryuuken
Bedninja Lambda | Jack |
Jay "Mysterious" disappearance: Jack | Vanya | Rogue | Yuri | Hanbei | Lincoln | Julian | Accelerator | Maka | Mindy | Nana | Lambda | Tiffany | Tsuzuki
Vanya's a bird: Vanya
I break the Kinsey scale: Power Girl | Anole | Lambda
Watching the sentinel with Dadneto: Magneto
Leaves: Vanya
My luck is stolen: Vriska
Bad luck: Tavros | Molly
Feelings: Vanya | Cindy | Jack
FULL MAGNETO REGALIA: Tavros | Vanya | Cindy | Zhores | tiny!Dave |
tiny!Machika Night in the life: Parker
Kid Lightning: Hardison
Memoryyyy: Lambda | Vanya | Jack |
Tavros Hellion still a jerk, more news to come: Julian
THIEF o9'': Vanya
Pumpkin stabbing: Machika | Jack |
Rogue |
Linc Prime Hot chocolate: Vanya | Cess
Creepin' on Vriska: Vriska
I catch the flu from Julian, or he catches it from me: Cindy | Vanya | Julian | Anole | Artemis | Mindy | Desmond | Rika | tiny!Charles | Lambda | Jay | Jack | Rogue | Chizuru | Kurt | Ryuuken
Flu shenanigans: Julian | Cindy | Vanya | Jack | Kurt | Ryuuken
Vanya got the shit beat out of her: Vanya
Coolest kids in Camp: Tavros |
Jack Trick or treating (legit): Vanya | Tavros | Kiyama | Cindy | Tyler | Conrad | Spike | Eeyore | Mindy | America | Rika | Lambda | Ronan | Josh | Rogue |
The great experiment: Vanya
Oh nooo, weeds!: Jubilee | Vanya | Jack |
Parker Traumatizing Vanya as usual: Vanya
I make a new friend: Hazama
My keywords don't make sense: Vriska | Cindy
Missing Linc: Linc Prime | Vanya | Peter | Jack
Snow: Vanya |
Jet |
Mindy Stupid goals: Lambda
I get attacked by an incompetent vampire: Caroline
HAPPY THANKSGIVING I'm traumatized: Cindy | Jack | Vanya
Cindy deaged: Cindy |
Parker December
Fake-ass mirrors: Vanya
Counseling: Jack | Varric | Cindy |
Vanessa It gets cold: Vanya | Olivia | Molly | Cess
Sledding: Jubilee | Tavros
Mistletoe'd! (But not with Parker): Jack |
Parker That girl again: Caroline
Decorating: Vanya
Parker being Parker: Guess who
More counseling: Lambda