Life is good

Aug 27, 2007 16:39

One week from today Sharon and I will fly to Paris to begin a four month round the world trip. I have been planning and saving for this trip for about five years. The fact that we are so close to our departure date overwhelms me with joy and anticipation. I have an amazing partner to share this experience with and a job that supports the plan. In fact, both of us will be returning to our current jobs when we return in January.

One of the many inspiring aspects of the seminar conducted by Dr. Hegde that I attended in Bangalore (written about in this journal in the past) was his urging to take life moment by moment, to not fixate on the future and what is to come. It has been very hard for me to do this for the past six months as (other than work priorities) my entire life has been dedicated to finalizing the planning and preparation for a trip that was still months off. So, even though I've failed Dr. Hegde's advice for the past six months, starting today this will be my mantra. I am going to savor the last few days of work with colleagues I am proud to call my friends. I will enjoy my wait in line tonight at CVS picking up a prescription, the walk home, my wife's anxieties... I am going to absorb and appreciate all of it. Because every aspect of life truly is a gift and my life has been particularly lucky and blessed.

Speaking of life being good, I aspire to write up a "State of the (Red) Sox" post in this journal before leaving. But if I fail to, you can follow our adventures here...
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