Jan 31, 2007 22:13
The 535 voting members of the US Congress have nothing better to do than debate a non-binding resolution decrying the "troop surge" in Iraq? Is this really worthy of your time? Are you fucking kidding me?
373 of you voted to authorize President Bush to go to war with Iraq.
159 members of Congress were smart enough to vote against it. 3 of them apparently didn't think this was important enough of an issue to warrant their vote.
And Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, John McCain, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John Murtha... (sadly I could go on) I don't want to hear that President Bush misled you into voting for this war. I knew that this war would become an albatross at best. My wife knew that. Us and millions of others took to the streets before you authorized this war and said, "hey, this is a really bad idea. Maybe we should at least gain the support of the International community before giving PRESIDENT SHOCK AND AWE a fucking blank check to blow the shit out of Iraq."
So please, do me a favor, do yourself a favor, do democracy a favor and STFU.