Sep 20, 2005 09:54
Woohoo for the Planet Smashers and Skamasutra! I didn't like Westbound Train so much - after Skamasutra, they were too reggae-ish and people didn't get into them as much. Dad said they were first wave ska, most likely. Sounds legitimate... I know very little about the inner workings of ska.
I saw Nick Gilbert there, which was entertaining because Dad and I got there really early and were wandering through the streets, trying to find something to do (there isn't much) and I was saying that I was sure there would be some UNH kids that I knew there, probably Nick Gilbert. And then we were sitting down waiting for The Stone Church to open and I thought I saw him, but wasn't sure, and then ... there he was. So that was cool. He was impressed that Dad was going to the concert too.
I didn't skank because I was wearing inappropriate shoes for skanking. Also, there are some heavy duty skankers out there and I probably would have gotten my teeth knocked out by someone's elbow.
But Oh, the Planet Smashers were so awesome! I was right in front of their speakers and right up close (not that you can be too far away there, but I was very close).
They played:
Missionary's Downfall - yay!!! Hula skirts are really nice. This was their first song and it was wicked awesome.
Surfin' in Torfino - everyone sat down and made waves and they yelled at the "old fuckers" to sit down
J'aime Ta Femme
Raise your Glass
Super Orgy Porno Party
Never Gonna Drink Again