Mar 02, 2005 20:33
you know am not even fucking sad about it.just plain PISSED OFF!..fuck this place..fuck germany..apparently i am the BIGGEST BITCH in the WORLD and i offend everybody!..well FUCK THIS ALL.i am tired of feeling bad for making stupid fucking jokes that EVERYBODY knows are jokes and i tell people.if you get offended by what i say..then LET ME KNOW so i wont do it again..ever since that big fuckin fight with erika i have TRIED to be nicer.yes i slip up every now and then but i am working on it.people make mistakes!..but APPARENTLY i hate EVERYBODY and blah blah blah..well you know what..FUCK THAT...erika claims that i am mean to her and gabi ALL THE ask Gabi ALL THE TIME. I am like.."gabi..if i am mean to you.let me know"..or " i bitch"..shit like make sure i am not becuase i dont want to hurt anybody anymore..i ask her all the time...and YES i do have a problem with erika..the only reason i have stayed with the "group" is because of Terq,Gabi,and Kari..bcuz they are my friends..atleast i THOUGHT they were..apparently they think i am a bitch to from what erika has said..whatever..i am SO tired of this shit.She makes me look out ot be the fuckin bad guy..if i am SUCH a bitch then how come when me and erika got in a fight for the SECOND time which by the way..she STARTED ..why did my friends come up to ME saying that she was getting annoying and that all she would do is talk about how much of a bitch i more.i am tired of her constant shit.i know she talks shit about me when i am not there...I am not sad that me and her are not friends..i am sad at the fact that I cant hangout with any of my other friends now BECAUSE of all this shit..ugh..this pisses me off...i am gonna go