Feb 24, 2004 00:14
Oh wow! I have so much to catch you up on. So let's start w/ the Jump concert. It was fan-fucking-tastic. We got there early and accidently entered the listening party for their new cd. After we finished listening to the cd, Matt came up and talked to me and Stephanie for a minute. Then we had a front row seat for Jump. And we were positioned right in front of Matt (Coincidence? I think not.). So the show was fucking amazing and Matt played the harmonica which made me want to cream myself. They also sang 'You are my Sunshine' which was awesome b/c my mommy used to sing that to me everyday when I was a youngin'. Then I got free Stereophonics and Jayhawks cds b/c some radio station that was at the concert was giving out all this free shit. Now comes the part where you need to be seated: I had in depth conversation with the guy standing next to me. It was an amazing experience and I was very proud of myself, to say the least. Then after the show we met the band and whatnot and Jay "noticed us standing on the first row", or so he said. I guess Stephanie and I just stand out in a crowd. And, I found out that Stephanie is even cooler than I originally thought. She hates Bush too, and she's a liberal. Unfortunately, we are few and far between at Belmont. Then I got home at the buttcrack of dawn and failed a quiz at nine the next morning.
Friday, I went back to the 'wood for the weekend and had an amazing weekend. I hung out w/ the fam. for the whole weekend, which was really nice. Friday night we ate at Surin and I ordered a glass of wine like I always do, but they decided to check my ID this time. Luckily, they accepted my Fake ID as being real. Then we met up w/ Shook and her fam at Cosmo's Pizza for a bit. We went back home and my mom, bro, and I talked for hours about philosophy and religion. My bro and I discussed what horseshit we think christianity is, and my mom said that she 'respected our beliefs'. Then my bro and I drove around and listened to Death Cab, which was quite enjoyable. On Saturday I went record and cd shopping w/ my bro in 5 points, and then we got drunk w/ my cousin Matt that night. It was awesome, we sat around talking and watching the Blind Melon and Grateful Dead dvds. I pretty much decided that my bro and cousin are two of the coolest people in the world and I'm super excited that I've been hanging out with them so much lately. And, thanks to me, my cousin LOVES ryan adams, which makes me happy. He may come up to the Lucinda Williams show w/ me if he can get off of work, which would rock b/c I'd have to go by myself otherwise. Then I drove back to N'ville w/ Shook and Jeffrey on Sunday night and was welcomed by this dreaded hell-hole that they like to call Belmont. And it's been downhill ever since. I have a test on Friday that's going to kick my ass and I have a shitload of other stuff to do. but instead of studying, I'm writing in this journal b/c lauren informed me a few hours ago that it was in desperate need of an update. So this one's for you lauren.
And now, I'm out.
later kids,
P.S.- I weighed myself while i was home, and I've lost 10 lbs since i've been at college. I was super crunk. I've pretty much decided that that's the only good thing that has happened while i've been at college.