you know when bart simpson gets laughed at by that bully...

May 09, 2006 23:48

schadenfreude: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

i knew that i sometimes get a kick out of other's misfortunes (e.g. slightly tripping or saying something stupid, but nothing serious), but i didnt know there was a word for it.

funny facts from wikipedia on this word:

In Swedish and Norwegian, there is also a saying that skadeglädjen/fryd är den enda sanna glädjen/fryd ("schadenfreude is the only true joy"). A variant in Finnish is vahingonilo on aidointa iloa ("schadenfreude is the purest joy"). Another variant in Slovak is škodoradosť je najväčšia radosť ("schadenfreude is the greatest joy"), similar in meaning to the Hungarian variant legszebb öröm a káröröm. In Danish, the saying Egen lykke er at foretrække men andres ulykke er dog ikke at foragte translates to "(One's) own happiness should be preferred, but the misfortune of others should not be scorned."
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