
Dec 28, 2008 03:44

Today i saw two films, both apocalyptic in theme. The first i watched at home, one of the DVD'S i bought cause i thought 'well it is only £3 and has Sean William Scott and Sarah M Gellar so if it is shit no big'. The second was The day the Earth stood still at the cinema. It wasn't on purpose to see them both and those kind of films intrigue me, but never terrify. I kind of feel apathetic towards the world ending. Haha God am i just so damned chirpy!

As to the films, the first totally confused me the first time i watched it. Well i say watched but i actually kept nodding off and waking up, watching a bit more until i woke up and the title screen was displaying. It was so bloody confusing anyway from what i had watched so to see it even more dis-fragmented and in half sleep state was amusing. I started to watch again and i think it is a film i could grow to like after some more thought and proper watching. What's not to like about Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson? i'd do him.

The day the earth stood still was a complete contrast. I generally seem to like Keanu Reeves and this film was no exception to the well-honed rigid acting he does so wonderfully. However even though the film started out well, the middle and subsequent end left me wiggling my bum in my seat in agitation. It just seemed so empty and was yet another of those films that seem to say 'tut tut earth peoples, you are destroying this earth and unless you see the error of your ways lots of bad scary things will entail'

My mission for the following week is to now watch lots of apocalypse films, just because i still don't have anything (job) to do and i figure since i am mostly a miserable cow anyway, they can't make my mood any worse :D
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