Exciting news!!!!!!
Basically, nationals in October went really well. We had countless national champions (particularly the little ones), and our peewee team got 2nd place dance twirl and 2nd place pom pom. The seniors didn't place in twirl buuuuttt....we got 1st place in pom pom :D:D:D - it was truly dumbfounding and all of us were shocked! - i even didnt bother to put my jazz shoes on for presentation cause i didn't think we would have to go up to get an award, so in the pics i have on my stripy socks hehe.
However the best news was that we were asked afterwards if we would like to join the England squad to participate in the pom team and go to compete in the Europeans next April. I was hesitant at first but after a meeting held last night to discuss cost and details, i am totally up it. I mean how many people get to compete for their country :) I GET AN ENGLAND TRACKSUIT!!!!!!
So now i need to step up my search for a new job cause i definitely need more money - in total im looking at around £800 for trip, tracksuit, practices, costumes etc. Hopefully we are trying to raise some of it by doing sponsored stuff, and also asking local companies for donations etc.