This post brought to you by the letter "S"

Apr 26, 2010 17:00

A few weeks ago, I noticed that the "S" key on my keyboard was getting a little loose, and then one day it just fell off entirely. I was very worried about this because my computer is less than a year old so it's really nowhere near time for an upgrade, and if I took it in to the Apple store to get it fixed I might have to go without my computer for a few weeks (or at least a day or so). Not to mention that I would have to make it to the Apple store, which is on the opposite side of town from me.

So I instead learned to type by just pushing the little plastic nubbin that the key normally pressed. It took a little getting used to, but I eventually got to be almost as good as that as pushing regular keys.

When my friend Jared was over the other day, he suggested at least leaving the key over the nubbin so that there's a hard flat surface to hit instead of a small soft pointy one. I hadn't done that because it seemed less reliable than hitting the little nubbin. But after leaving it there for a day, it got stuck on one side so I couldn't remove it any more, and then after a few more hours it seems to have properly reattached itself. So now the key is working perfectly again and I don't see any indication that it is any different than any of the other keys on my keyboard!

I guess the moral of the story is that Apple is such a magical company that their electronic devices fix themselves?
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