Dec 15, 2013 17:54
Hi! :)
I hope everyone is having a wonderful winter holiday. The weather isn't quite wintry here but it's so lovely seeing all of the bright lights down each street and bumping into other grown-ups shopping in the toy section for a change.
Currently, the domain that hosted the images for Eastvale: Through Her Eyes is down. I decided to finally switch domain names, yay! My old domain name was World of Warcraft-related from years ago and it was just time for a change; I was so tired of hanging my head in shame when people would ask me what "blood elves" were, LOL. -o- "It's from World of Warcraft!" "World of what!?"
Customer service told me it should be a few days until the old FTP is linked to the new domain. Once that happens, I'll go through every Eastvale entry and adjust the image URLs so all are visible once more.
Totally can't wait for this domain change, it's much needed. I've been putting it off for years and no longer play the game that was referenced in my former domain name, so happy to be finally doing it!
Happy holidays again to everyone and hopefully another Eastvale chapter will be posted soon. In the meantime, I'll lurk LJ (Has anyone else noticed that LJ seems much slower as of late or is it just me?) and read any and all sims-related posts. :)
Edit: All pictures are back online, hooray!