Feb 17, 2005 18:36
I got my Econ exam back, and to let everyone know, I have never received that low of a grade on a exam in my life ever. I suppose it had to happen sooner or later, but I am really unhappy with myself...I guess moreso initially than now. My parents have been more than encouraging about the situation, so that's been very helpful, and so have my friends at Michigan. I guess I can recover from the grade, but it's more of the fact that I was not expecting this grade that hurt. Macroeconomics is supposed to be easier than micro, so I do not understand where I went wrong. I studied lots, too. What hurts even more, I think, is that I scored below average. I cannot remember another significant time that this has happened. Of course, I've gotten my share of Bs over the years. What's most troubling about this grade is that it shows to me that I did not understand the material well at all.
I've been talking to people lately, and I wanted to write something in this entry about being an ally. It's hard for me to know the trials and issues in the LGBT community, but I used to think that I tried to be the best ally I could be. Perhaps, upon reflecting about it, that isn't the truth. I do not fully understand the issues of the LGBT community at all, and in the past, I think I've always used my experiences from being a racial minority to be able to "identify" with LBGT issues, but now I realize that is not appropriate, and in many cases, not at all. In many instances, I have advocated being outspoken because my logic was that if it is not made into an issue and breaks some people's comfort zones, then our society can expect no social progress. But it is so much more of an issue of each individual. I did not understand that in the past. (Also, I realize I'm being quite vague...) Anyway, I want to apologize if I was ever instrusive and clearly should not have been. Those people should know I'm addressing them.
What else to say? Well, "spring" break is next weekend, so I'm very happy about that. Until then, though, I have two exams (one paper and one test, actually). I'm not so nervous about my Asian Religions paper as I am my Evolutionary Biology exam. He gave us a few sample questions, and they were pretty hard! I need to sit down this weekend and take another look at that book. Ah, and another random tangent, reapplication is due for next year's housing next week. I know I want to stay in the dorms, and I have convinced my parents to let me have a single (because the long term goal is to be on resstaff my junior and senior years and get free room and board). But I don't know which building to move to. Mine doesn't really have any singles, and the building that does (Couzens) is farther away from central campus. Some engineer friends of mine are going to Couzens, but it's much farther away. Another possibility is W. Quad, which has a fair number of singles (but higher demand), is right on central campus, and has much bigger singles. If you're going to pay the same price for a single, might as well get a bigger one, right? But with that much demand, it really just depends on which number I get from the random lottery drawing.
In March, Gigi 梁詠琪 is releasing a new Mandarin CD! All Gigi fans, even though none read this journal, should purchase it. Also in March, which may be a little more interesting to eastmeetswesterns, I'm taking a trip to Chicago. Rich, one of my friends from across the hall, has never been to Chicago before, so Rich, Shelly, Yolanda and I are taking a trip. We've already booked train tickets, and Yolanda's brother-in-law was able to use his "business" card to get us a free hotel for the two nights that we're there. Shelly (who's Chinese, too) and I both agreed that we need to go to Chicago's Chinatown and pig out at least one of the days. I'm very excited about the trip! And I love big cities! :)