May 25, 2009 09:46
ok, chaps. for one as relatively unintellectual as myself i know this will be a bit, erm, odd, but i suddenly have this idea. what if, when i come back to NZ later this year, i enrol myself for a masters? something at the victoria university institute for latin america research (or whatever it's called, the acronym is villa, hahahaha do you see what they did there?) -- maybe something anthro (or "human geography" as i believe it's called these days) to do with brazil?
important points to note:
1. i already have a BA in spanish lang&lit -- with advanced credits and shit (my alma mater did not offer BA honours degrees) -- ok it was a long time ago and involved pretty much zero politics etc but presumably it still counts
2. the part of my current job i love most of all is researching brazil stuff and my chances of finding a job in the new zealand media doing this are best expressed as "hahahahahahahahayou'vegotbuckleyswecan'tevenspellsãopaulocorrectly"
3. i've already paid off one huge student loan, why not totally cripple myself with another?
4. if i do indeed move to brazil in a couple of years (which looks likely) then this couldn't hurt in finding a job
5. my ideal job would be to go and work in one of those thinktanky places where people Make Policy (tm) about latin america generally and brazil in particular. i would *love* that even more than i love being a journalist (which i do, mostly).
so, kids. a poll. please vote, especially if you've ever dipped your toe in the waters of postgrad studies.
Poll shouldn't i be able to decide this for myself? yes of course i should but i love you guys
right. please vote! and hey, if you are feeling really generous, please invite your pals who are studying/have studied postgrad to comment, too. this isn't friendslocked, so have at it. xoxo, eastlondongirl