No, THIS is Spinal Tap

Jan 30, 2009 21:42

I spent the entire day yesterday in the ER getting all sorts of tests done. I went in with the worst migraine of my life that had been going on for like 36 hours. They started by putting in an IV (I cried when they said I had to have one, but not when they were actually putting it in) and then I had a CT scan because they thought I might have a brain tumor. The CT scan only showed a completely full right sinus with sever sinusitis, so they decided a lumbar puncture (AKA A FUCKING SPINAL TAP) was the next thing. Again, I cried a lot a lot before the actual procedure ("i don't want to do this! i don't think i can do this!!") but not at all during. The lumbar puncture showed that I had an elevated cerebra-spinal fluid pressure which indicated something called pseudo-tumor disorder which means that you produce more spinal fluid then you need which causes a build up of pressure, hence migraine. Because neither the CT scan or lumbar puncture were completely conclusive the next procedure was an MRI. Totally non-invasive but honestly the one that freaked me out the most. It was like being in a fucking loud coffin for 30 minutes. I had a really hard time not panicking.

ANYWAY, at the end of all this I have nothing other than severe sinusitis (which is being treated) and an appointment to get my eyes checked so I can get glasses. I had a follow up with an eye doctor today who ruled out all the maybes, so now I know for sure it was in fact an extremely bad migraine made worse by sinusitis.

I'm making the call to get reading glasses because I think the amount of reading I have to do for school definitely helped this little episode along.

Any cute frame ideas? I'm pretty much going for obnoxious. If someone could find me ones like the fashion designer lady from The Incredibles I would be eternally grateful.
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