Catholicism, wow!

May 18, 2004 01:58

Excerpt from "The Parody of the Christ (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Hypocrisy)" by dazz:

Jesus: "So, like, just be nice to everyone."
Followers: "Gotcha, be nice to everyone except Romans, Homosexuals, Other Faiths, Other Races, Prostitutes and Sinners."
Jesus: "...Uh, no. Be nice to everyone."
Followers: ".....What, even Homosexuals?"
Jesus: "Yes."
Followers: "Other religions?"
Jesus: "Yes."
Followers: "Surely not prostitutes and sinners?"
Jesus: "Yes!"
Followers: "What, even people we don't like?!!?!?"
Jesus: "YES!!! Especially people you don't like! ARGH! You morons give me such a headache. I'll be in the Garden of Gethsemane, having a migraine."

religion, humor

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