And root beer sucks, too.

Jul 21, 2005 22:03

A rather fun meme, stolen from imparfait and layla1188:

Ask me for "top five" lists of pretty much anything, and I will list you my top five of that thing or things. Copy into your own journal and give your own top fives.

And to start things off, here's the one I gave them:

Top 5 Foods You Hate
1. Turnips.
2. Ginger. It's sad, I know.
3. Blueberry pie. I blame Stephen King for this.
4. Walnuts. Weird, because I love all other types of nuts.
5. Escarole and beans. AKA "meneste." AKA "lettuce soup." It's basically boiled Romaine lettuce and beans. Looks like seaweed infested with some sort of alien larvae. My parents absolutely love the stuff. :-P


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