I have such a thing for baseball players.
I'm not sure what it is. Maybe I've read Ball Four a few too many times, or maybe I've seen way too many baseball movies. Maybe it's because one of my happiest memories as a kid was being allowed to stay up late to watch the Mets win the 1986 World Series - on my birthday, no less! Or maybe it's because they have such great...hair. Anyway, in light of tonight's big Yankees-Red Sox playoff series, here are some random thoughts on assorted baseball topics:
I really think the Sox have a damned good chance of beating the Yankees this time. One word: pitching. And I'd like to see the Cards take the NLCS (sorry, Texans), but if the Sox make it to the Series, I'll be rooting for them. How could you not?
Although I'm a Mets fan, for the past 10 years it's been impossible to me to ignore the achievements and incessant media coverage of the Yankees. And as a result (and against my better judgment!) I grew quite fond of several of them. For example: Paul O'Neill. I miss him. He's cute, in an ugly sort of way. Or, to quote from the aforementioned Ball Four, he's "cute, like an iguana." He plays the drums, too! Paul rocks.
I wonder if the new Washington team will retain the Expos' history (team records, retired numbers, etc.)? I think most teams do, but I'm not sure if it's mandatory. I hope they do, if only for Gary Carter's sake. (Have I mentioned the '86 Series? Yeah, life-long impact.)
By the way, whatever happened to Keith Hernandez? I recently spotted him in some lame commercial for...something, but shouldn't he be doing something baseball-related? Either as a commentator, or a coach? I've read his book If At First, and - aside from completely ripping off the concept of Ball Four - he revealed an incredible knowledge of the game and of the complex strategy involved. I loved reading his descriptions of unusual plays or coaching situations, and the possible options involved in each, and what the correct decision would be. I also enjoyed his style of writing, although I'm not sure whether the bulk of the credit should go to him or his "co-author." :-P
I also miss Andy Pettitte. I even miss those Bible-thumping commercials of his. (It's funny, I still can't bring myself to type the word "Bible" in all-lowercase. Guess I haven't completely succumbed to heathenism yet...) ;-)
Oh, and Tino Martinez. Talk about great hair! And he was one of the few white mid-90s Yankees who didn't get beaten with the maximum-strength ugly stick. Also, what an ass. And I mean that in a good way.
Oh well, at least the Yanks' current first baseman (and former Met!), John Olerud, is a cutie. With his goofy batter's helmet and all. I'm still mad the Mets got rid of him.
Actually, that's my biggest beef with baseball today - the fact that teams can never seem to hang onto their players for more than a handful of years. There was a good article in Sports Illustrated (yes, I read SI, what of it?) about how all of the future Baseball Hall of Famers playing today will likely have at least 4 teams listed on their plaques. The franchise player is all but dead, and both the players and owners are to blame, and it saddens me.
I miss Alfonso Soriano too. Where the hell did he go? Why did the Yanks trade him? As soon as he became really good, he was gone. How very un-Steinbrenner-like.
Currently, my favorite Met is Al Leiter. He's a good pitcher, a team leader, he's funny as hell...and he likes The Boss! What more could you ask for? :-)
I finally saw Bull Durham for the first time a few days ago. Not bad, although I find both Kevin Costner and Tim Robbins to be extremely irritating. Not necessarily in this movie, just in general.
Oh yeah, and Scott Brosius. Wher the hell did he go?! Oh wait, I think he retired. That sucks! He wasn't even that ugly.
Before I die, I want to attend games in Wrigley Field and Fenway Park.
Almost forgot Ramiro Mendoza. Aside from playing a key role in my big ESPN Fantasy Baseball League win back in 1999, he's automatically cool because he has the same name as the villain from "McBain." MENDOOOZAAA! :-D
The designated hitter rule is infinitely stupid. That is all.