May 17, 2009 11:54
Will try to get onto something with a full sized keyboard so I can write something more satisfying about this weekend at the Rhythm Factory but I. The meantime, last night, reassuringly, we were back to business as usual, and forcefully reminded that this is a good thing. The dreamlike magic of Friday night will linger, and will remain one of the most extraordinarily joyous events I've attended, but those extremes only work if they are extraordinary. Last night the mellow crowd was replaced with the more standard RF drunken lads looking likely to kick off. Instead of The Paddingtons and the Unstrung we had Alan Wass and The General, together no less. Then we were told at about 2am that Peter was only half an hour away, and we feared that our return to earth would be with the resounding thump of a no show. By 2.13 Peter was onstage and played until shortly before 4. The perfect set, for the small clutch of weary two nighters, mellow, gentle and extremely good natured. The crowd wanted Shambles mayhem, but was surprisingly gracious about getting a set of 'All At Sea' and 'Smashing' and 'Lost Art of Murder'. Peter was on top form, giving us endless reminders of his lack of guitar virtuosity, whilst occasionally interspersing a sequence that actually sounded good. Mik joined Peter for the last half hour, Peter attempted to play drums and guitar at the same time and the evening ended with The Beatles 'Across the Universe' with lyrical liberties. Really good on every level, reminding us that if we can't live on cake alone, the bread is rather delicious.