Aug 01, 2003 12:04
one man army made my warped tour experience...the shout out to Joe Strummer made me happy....good to see bands following in the footsteps of the clash...the originators...and the bass gutarist was the coolest guy to talk to..we had mad stuff in common...he like lives for joe strummer too...i want a joe strummer'd be nice...chris just came over...this kid cody who went to high school with me flipped his truck and flew out the truck..and the truck landed on top of him and crushed him..hes at shock trauma :| and they dont think he'll make it thru the summer..hearing shit like that at 12 in the morning is upsetting...i made some breakfast..didnt go to was my last day too haha! FUCK WORK! i gotta work at queenstown subway tonight fresh bitches