The Great Boston Burlesque Exposition is coming to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Cambridge, MA on April 10-12. It's a 3-day, 3-night event full of shows, shopping, classes, parties, and more. It's a lot of fun to attend and even more fun to work at. If you'd like to help us out with four-hour shift or two, we'd love to have you. In addition to our eternal thanks, volunteers get:
- a ticket to the opening night pool party on Friday, 4/10
- Admission to the Vendor Exhibit
- Admission to the Costume Display
- Admission to Art Show
- Admission to the "Lunch with Legends" panel on Saturday, 4/11
- A 50% discount on the Drop-in classes ($5 instead of $10)
- Admission to the Birds of a Feather sessions on Saturday afternoon
- A copy of Make Some Noise, the soundtrack for The Great Boston Burlesque Expo
- a 25% discount on anything you want to register for
Sign up to volunteer
here We're particularly looking for people to help set-up the theater on Thursday night (4/9) and Friday day (4/10), and looking for people on Sunday night, 4/12 for takedown.