(no subject)

Jul 30, 2007 10:00

I rushed Pumpkin to the vet yesterday. She seemed to be in discomfort, her breathing seemed a bit labored, and she was trembling and twitching her back legs. It reminded me of some of the symptoms Kermit exhibited the day she died so suddenly from heart failure.

So I grabbed Pumpkin, stuffed her in her carrier (which proved to be a bit of a battle), and off to the emergency vet we went.

Fortunately, it turned out she wasn't having any serious medical problems, but the doctor did determine that Pumpkin has arthritis. So she now has pain meds (which, according to one of the vet staff members, is also a drug used recreationally by humans) and some other drug, a big ass capsule, that she's supposed to take daily.

Poor kitty. It's no fun getting old.

And poor me. An emergency trip to the vet, including x-rays and other tests, gets might expensive, mighty fast. Makes me wish I had cat insurance for her.
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