Nights 'Round the Table (14/14)

Aug 13, 2011 18:49

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen

What had seemed like a good idea when Arthur got on the plane in San Francisco had lost its luster by the time he was trying to sleep in the back of a production van on its way to Brooklyn. Leon had booked him the first direct flight out of the city, which meant he had been awake at 3am to get ready and get to the airport. Between the time difference, and not really sleeping the night before or on the plane, he felt on edge and foolish. Perhaps it had been a mistake to stay awake on the flight and arrange for a film crew to take him to the address Leon had provided. He had wanted to make a grand gesture so that Merlin would take his apology seriously. That if it was recorded for posterity, his declarations could physically be placed in Uther’s hands, than Merlin would have to forgive him. He hoped Merlin would forgive him, if for no other reason than no one else would never let him live it down.

It was past five when they find the right brownstone, and bundle out of the van with the camera and equipment. It was cold, and Arthur swore loudly that no one in their right mind would live somewhere this cold. Olwen, the woman with the mic, rolled her eyes at him and said, “It’s just November, stop being a baby.” Arthur paused at the door and took a deep breath before knocking.

When the door opened he found himself confronted with a giant of a man, He wasn’t as tall as Leon, or as broad as Percy, but he was still imposing, and now that Arthur knew who he was, really obviously related to Merlin.

“Why the fuck are there cameras on my stoop? Go bother a Lohan and leave me the fuck alone.” the man said, moving to close the door. Arthur jammed his foot in the door to keep it from closing all the way.

“Um, I’m Arthur Pendragon, I’m the one that hired Merlin. Is he here? I’d like to talk to him about,” Arthur paused, trying to think quickly, “DVD extras.”

Balinor glared and closed the door in Arthur’s face. Arthur felt a moment of defeat. All that way and all that jet lag, and he wouldn’t even be able to apologize in person. He knew he looked pathetic standing there, with his head down and holding his coat closed against the chill. He looked up at the crew, and both of them were giving him narrow-eyed glares, although they were going to get paid for the job no matter what, so they didn’t have much room to complain. Just as Arthur was putting himself back together to make a decision on what to do next, the door opened again.

“Would you please get in here, you’re embarrassing yourself,” Merlin said, standing aside to let them in. He led them to a comfortably furnished room, where his father was already seated. Ignoring Arthur, he reached out to shake hands with the crew.

“I’m Merlin, and this is my father, Tony.” Balinor made a gesture that was equal parts greeting and probably obscene in some cultures.

The man with the camera stepped forward and grasped Merlin’s hand. “I’m Culhwch, that’s Olwen.” he said, nodding towards her. “Where can we stash these?”

“My office is through that door,” Tony said, pointing behind them. They put down their equipment and everyone sat in silence until finally Tony stood up.

“Fuck this, I’m making dinner. You want to join me in the kitchen?” he asked Culhwch and Olwen. They followed him out of the room. Arthur stood to join them, but Merlin pulled him to the side.

“What is wrong with you Arthur? What are you even doing here? It’s been weeks since we’ve tried to have a conversation, and you show up now, with fucking cameras. I don’t want to be rude to people just doing their job, but why the hell did you think I would just go along with you ambushing me on camera?”

“Ambush? No, I wanted you to see that I was serious about apologizing. I brought witnesses, I’m willing to film it for posterity. We fixed everything with Ambrosia, and got those cultists to back off. Morgana even got Katie Couric to interview Gaius. I thought the crew could film the happy ending.”

“Happy ending?” Merlin said incredulously. “I’m working on my happy ending. Although I suppose I should thank you. I would never have tried to work in New York if it hadn’t been for you, Arthur.”

Arthur stepped back to try and put some more space between them. They were too close, and it was making it hard to explain himself, when all he wanted to do was kiss Merlin until he was forgiven.

“Look, I know I’ve screwed this up, and have been completely stupid about this whole thing, but I’d like to start over with you, and actually try and maybe have a relationship.” Arthur couldn't quite bring himself to look Merlin in the eye, he focused on Merlin’s shoulder, since he knew he wouldn’t get through his speech otherwise. “Being bi-coastal would be hard; but I’m willing to try it if you need to stay here. Pendragon Broadcasting has offices here; Father would probably be willing to let me try my hand at one of our other subsidiaries. I’d kind of like to talk him into letting Leon take my place with the team anyway. But there are options, and I can find a place in the company that lets me travel more if I have too. Or you know, you could always come back to the Bay, now that we’ve fixed everything, and you’ve still got friends and family and a band there. We’d also like you to do a second season.” Arthur finally had to pause to breathe.

Merlin let out a strangled laugh. “Arthur, I can’t do this with you. God help me, I really like you, and if I could be the guy that could just think with his heart, and make the choices I want to, instead of the ones I need to, I’d probably fall for this, and follow you back to California. But right now, I don’t think you really know what you want, and I need to know that I’m good enough to do this on my own.”

“Merlin, please.” Arthur decided he needed to make a grand gesture. He grabbed Merlin’s hand and stepped closer into his space until their foreheads touched. He took it as a positive sign that Merlin didn’t step away. “I know I’m terrible at this. In fact it’s likely that neither one of us will ever be good at just saying what we’re thinking. But I do know something about having a father that you’re in the shadow of. I know what it’s like to know that if you do things better than him, then it’s only because you’re his son, and if you’re not as good, or if you want to do something different, then you’re a disappointment, maybe not to him, but to everyone else.

“The thing is Merlin, you’re always going to be your father’s son. You’ve had opportunities that other people just haven’t had. The question is, will history remember you as the son of Tony Balinor, or him as the father of Merlin Emrys-Balinor?” Arthur paused, because Merlin looked stunned into silence, and rather than wait for him to speak, and maybe mock him for his speech, he changed topics.

“Have you started your new job yet?”

Merlin blinked rapidly, as if he were trying to focus, and gave Arthur a small self-deprecating smile. “No, apparently when Taliesin Baird said he wanted me for the Crystal Cave, what he meant was he wanted me to interview for the Crystal Cave. There are five other candidates, and I just had my cooking interview two days ago.”

“How do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m fairly sure I’m the front runner for the job, but I don’t know for sure.”

“Are you really prepared to live here in the winter? I mean it’s fucking freezing out there. And it’s still fall.”

“Arthur, you’re ridiculous.”

Before he could dignify that with a response, Tony was yelling at Merlin from the kitchen.

“If you’re done making up with your boyfriend, get in here and help me with dinner.”

Merlin grinned at Arthur and pulled him along behind him toward the kitchen. “Come on, we’ll talk more after food.”

It was fascinating to watch Merlin and his father work together. It was a combination of efficient professionalism and familial comfort that made Arthur feel like he was witnessing something truly special. Tony let the camera crew film it, since they already had their cameras. He did however brandish a knife at Arthur to make sure Arthur understood how rare this was and how privileged they were to film inside his home, and that they were not to make a habit of it. They ate and talked and Arthur supposed that there were worse ways to meet the parents, and he didn’t let himself dwell on how to introduce Merlin to his father.

Tony kicked everyone out of the kitchen so he could clean up, supposedly because Merlin put things in the wrong places (“More efficient places, Dad!”). Merlin promised to get him back to his hotel in one piece, so rather than continue to pay the film crew by the hour, Arthur sent them home. Before they left, Culhwch and Olwen promised to get him an edit tomorrow. Merlin helped him bring his luggage in, and then risked his father’s ire by returning to the kitchen in order to grab them both a couple of beers. Once they were both seated on the couch, Arthur realized it was the closest they’d been to alone together, since that horrible drive back to Oakland.

“I suppose we should talk about something.” Arthur said to fill the silence.

“You still need to apologize.” Merlin laughed, as he took a swig of his beer.

“I can’t do that, it would set a bad precedent.” Arthur was relieved that Merlin didn’t expect him to actually say the words. Being the son of Uther Pendragon meant never saying you’re sorry. Although from observation of his father, it did mean occasionally settling out of court.

“I’d only be setting myself up for disappointment if I expected them, but we could work on that.”

“Would you want to work on that?” Arthur winced, worried he didn’t hide how hopeful he was.

Merlin sighed. “Maybe? I thought coming out here would be the best choice. Everything that happened was my fault; the fight with you just proved it.” Arthur started to protest, but Merlin waved him off. “If I hadn’t been so desperate to keep my secrets, none of this would have happened. I couldn’t risk the restaurant closing because of me.

“But this thing with Crystal Cave,” he paused, “I wanted to learn from Taliesin, and prove that I deserved to be in this city with some of the world’s best chefs. The only thing I’ve learned is that in this town, I’d have to work for years before I’ll have the freedom that I have at Ambrosia. But I don’t know how to go back.”

“Going back is easy, we call Leon, and he books us a flight.” Arthur said as he surreptitiously moved closer to Merlin.

“Arthur...” Merlin looked doubtful, as he pulled away so that he could face Arthur.

“I mean it, Merlin, I didn’t come up with this plan to win you back to Oakland all on my own. I was, as far as I’ve been able to piece together, selected by the majority to get the job done.” Arthur fought the urge to cup Merlin’s jaw. He wanted to wipe away that doubt, but he wasn’t completely sure how to do it.

“So you were press-ganged into it?” He almost sounded disappointed.

“I wanted you to come back too. Granted, Leon had to speak slowly and use small words to get a few things through my head, but once he did, I was on the first flight I could get.” Arthur set his beer bottle on the floor, before throwing caution to the wind and wrapping his fingers around Merlin’s wrist. “Can we start over? I’ll try to be less oblivious this time.”

“That might take more work than apologies.” Merlin said, as he dipped his head and gave Arthur a soft smile.

“If you’re looking for work, I know someone who’s hiring.” Arthur put his other hand on Merlin’s neck to tangle his fingers in Merlin’s hair. “Interested?”

“I think I might be,” Merlin said, leaning in for a kiss.

One year later

“Sorry I’m late,” Arthur said, sliding into the dark leather booth. “My father seems to have decided that giving me full executive control over Food TV doesn’t preclude him from lecturing me about everything he thinks I’m doing wrong.”

“Pennies in the Well just started their last set,” Merlin said, giving Arthur’s hand a quick squeeze under the table. “We’ve still got another twenty minutes before we go on, and it doesn’t count as late unless you actually miss me playing.”

Morgana turned from the table she was sharing with Lance and Gwen to lean over the back of the booth so she could talk to Arthur. “It wasn’t about VegLife, was it? If Father went to you over my show...”

“Relax,” Arthur said. “Father hasn’t said a word about it to me. Either he doesn’t know yet, or he just doesn’t care. He was giving me grief about pushing Catrina to an earlier slot, since he doesn’t seem to be able to grasp that her biggest viewership is housewives, and they’re busy with their kids during prime time.”

Arthur still wondered if agreeing to let Morgana oversee the station’s new vegetarian lifestyle show was the best idea, considering that now he would have to listen to her and Uther argue about it over holiday dinners. But by all accounts, she was doing an amazing job, and the reaction from the vegetarian blogosphere to the show’s first promotional spot last week had been phenomenal. Arthur supposed that sort of reception was worth a little family drama.

“If you two want to keep talking about work,” Merlin said in the deceptively mild tone that Arthur had learned meant he was treading on thin ice, “I can go sit with Gwaine and Percy.”

“No,” Arthur said quickly, making shooing motions at his sister that earned him a very dirty look before Morgana rolled her eyes and turned back around. “I’ve had more than enough work for today.”

He glanced sideways at Merlin. “Although,” he continued, feigning nonchalance, “if you don’t want me to talk about work at all, I supposed I’ll have to save the news about your show for some other time.”

“Arthur,” Merlin said warningly. “What did you hear?”

“Well,” Arthur said, unable to keep his grin under wraps any longer, “it’s just that I happened to receive a phone call this afternoon.”

“A phone call,” Merlin repeated.

“Mm-hmm,” Arthur said, nodding. “From the TASTY Awards advisory board. Seems A Wizard in the Kitchen has been named as a finalist in two categories.”

Merlin stared at him. “Oh my god,” he whispered. Then, louder, “Oh my god, Arthur. I can’t believe we were nominated at all, but for two categories? Are you sure?”

“Technically,” Arthur said, “the show was nominated for three, but only made it to the finalist list for Best New Series and Best Chef in a Series.”

“Best chef?” Merlin looked dazed. “Best chef.”

“That would be you,” Arthur said.

“I know that,” Merlin said, kicking his shin lightly. “Ass.”

“If you’re going to be like that,” Arthur said, “I can drink the champagne by myself.”

Merlin laughed. “I don’t think this is the kind of place that sells champagne.” Arthur thought he was probably right.

“Not here. There’s a bottle chilling in my fridge.” A nice bottle, too. Arthur had called Lance for suggestions. “I thought I might convince you to come over after the show so that I can congratulate you.”

“Congratulate me, huh?”

“Among other things,” Arthur admitted.

“Mm, you can ‘among other things’ me anytime you want, Pendragon,” Merlin said, leaning in for a kiss.

“Oh, I intend to, Chef Emrys,” Arthur murmured. “I intend to.”

paperlegends 2011, rhosyn_du, fandom: merlin, nights 'round the table, fic, mellow_dk

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