In The Kingdom (licenseartistic)

May 17, 2006 19:53

1. Title / Prompt. In The Kingdom/Rebellion
2. Character. Aziraphale
3. Warnings: --
4. Pairings --
5. Your character's fandom. House, MD
6. Word count. 156
7. Rating. Average
8. Disclaimer. Gaiman and Pratchett are geniuses.
9. Notes: Deminian is the Angel name I gave Crowley

The world had only just been created. The First Man and The First Woman newly made. Neither rain nor sin had been invented. There was no sadness, nor joy. Man and Woman simply were, and the Angels watched over them.

The first chords of discontent rippled thought the Kingdom, catching the angel Aziraphale quite by surprise. There was no word for concern yet, as Aziraphale raced through the Kindom, seeking the Angel called Deminian. If anyone knew yet what was happening, Deminian would surely know.

All the Angels looked nearly identical then, and Aziraphale searched in vain for his beloved. "He's gone, Aziraphale," an authoratative voice boomed. "Deminian's Fallen."

Aziraphale opened his mouth, but there was no sound. He blinked rapidly. His wings fluttered restlessly against his back.

"There was a rebellion, Aziraphale."

Aziraphale dropped his gaze, and his wings drooped. "No. Not...Not Deminian." All at once, there was sadness and dispair in the Kingdom.

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