Twilight...the movie

Nov 21, 2008 19:16

I went to the matinee earlier today.

Um. Not the worst movie I've ever seen. Certainly not the best. There were...painful moments. And moments I wanted to slap the giggly ones. And there were moments where I wondered what direction exactly these poor actors were given. I mean, angsty, ok. constipated, not ok. I think Rob Pattinson did an ok job with the script he was given. And I think Kristen needed to stop with the poor acting in that last scene (altho it was somewhat Bella like) with the stuttering and the fear of losing Edward, yadda yadda yadda.

I also think, that if you hadn't read the'd be lost as HELL.

Apparantly the budget was really low...I thought Lucasfilm had a hand in this, but I'm relieved to say it did not. Altho whoever did, really could have done a better job. Then again, low budget. This was a like a made for TV movie. We're talking Twilight here. This was supposed to be SUCH a big deal, and that's what they did with the make-up, and the special effects?

As for the positive, I loved the dad. Mike was well cast too, as were the rest of the high school gang. Rob and Kristen I liked (but their lines could have been better, i'd have to watch it again to know for sure if it was the acting or the lines that bothered me more. And I think they're both fine actors, so I'm thinking it may have been more to do with actual script and the direction). James was fantastic (that hair drove me nuts, but his acting made up for it). Victoria, what can I say? She had, what? Two lines? She didnt' impress with what she had. Laurent was eh. I liked the rest of the Cullens, tho I think Rosalie was poorly cast. That's what you picked for the most gorgeous girl. Really? But she played her part well. Emmet and Alice were good.

Certain scenes that were cut out, should not have been. And certain things, if they couldn't have done a better job with it, leave it out. The meadow scene? Um, what? The sparkly bits were just this side of bad. They could have been fantastic. But the freaking screen was fuzzy! Since when does Lucasfilm have to blur something to make it look good?

One of my favorite scenes was them playing baseball. Loved Jasper playing with his bat (stop it my little dirty ones, heads out of the gutter). Loved the whole thing. ...until the hissing. That was beyond campy.

Overall I'd love to say it was a terrible movie, but their were certain scenes I liked. So i'd have to watch it again somewhere (no way i'm paying again), away from the giggly little girls, and the friends pleading with me to gouge out their eyes. Maybe that way I can make up my own mind.

OH! Um, maybe this was discussed elsewhere (almost positive), but I'm scatterbrained so bare with me. Was that Rob I heard singing in the background? I know he wrote the lullaby, but I swear I heard him singing.

I want that music. THAT! I loved!

movie review

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