(no subject)

Mar 12, 2007 07:54

Heh. The smallest things make me smile. I was walking to work a little over an hour ago, and I saw this older woman drop a dollar. I was few steps too far but she was just bending down to get it when a younger woman (older then me, but younger then then the one that dropped the dollar) jumped forward and picked up for her. Really it took longer to type about it then the time it actually took to do the deed. And it was the smallest of notions. But it made my morning that much brighter. 

Music also makes me happy. Got to see a little bit of Of Montreal in concert on friday night. I really like their music (thanks
ursamajr for the intro!) and they were really good live. But I was beyond exhausted and when my group started to disperse I just had to get moving or I'd fall asleep standing up. Or curled up in a dark corner =P

Also, a little update on Sylvia and Abby (the homeless woman and her dog), I told her about a few shelters that she had already known about, but I told her that a few of them mentioned that if they didn't see tor hear Abby then they had no problem looking the other way. Abby is a small doggy, who's all but silent when she's all wrapped up. Apparantely she's always been that way. So as long as Sylvia keeps her under wraps (which is how Abby sleeps anyway, especially considering the cold) it shouldn't be a problem. Well, she tried it out, and HOORAH! It worked. Those several days of freezing weather she managed to stay indoors at the shelter overnight. We're working on finding her something a little more stable. I haven't gotten around to asking her why she's out there. It just an extremely personal question, and it's her own personal choice. She also chooses to spend money she could be spending on food on the vet for Abby (it's a clinic but still). I probably never will ask her. It's none of my business. So far she's been beyond grateful for my help. And if that's all I can do, then that's all I can do.

In other news. Work. Sucks. I pulled in 28 hours of overtime last week. That's not including the 10 hours (pathetic, I know) that I put in at my other job. That's a totall of 78 hours of work (not including the freaking commute!!!) in one week. I've done it before, but that 28 hours extra is at a job where I sit ...all. damn. day. You can't get away from the phone for more then like 3 minutes, and that's just if you reaaaaaally have to pee. For those of us that are cool with not taking our breaks, they sometimes buy us lunch. For those of us who work stupid hours with no breaks (like my nice 13 hours shift last week) they sometimes buy dinner too. Eh. It could be worse. But i'm exhausted. Physically. And emotionally (considering the idiots that call and harrass us).

Annnnyway, I better get back to doing some actual paperwork or I'll get glared at.

work, music, personal

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