Aug 14, 2010 00:14
I've seen this one all over lj lately. Thought I'd play along...
1. Name: Renee
2. Age: 54
3. Country of Residence: Colorado, USA
1. Been a member of LJ long? About a year
2. What do you post on your LJ? Anything
3. Are you Friends Only? No
4. Are you into quizzes, memes, etc...? Sometimes
5. Fandoms you are into? Highlander, Star Trek, Potterdom, Torchwood
1. What is/are your favorite show(s)? I don't watch TV
2. Least favorite show(s)? See above
3. Favorite actors? Peter Wingfield, Karl Urban
4. Favorite actresses? No
5. Favorite TV couple or pairing? Movie pair, Chris Pine and Karl Urban
6. Do you have a specific channel that you favor? No
7. Concerning your favorite show, What is your favorite episode? None at the moment
Fan Fiction:
1. Do you write/read fanfic? If so, what genre? (Slash, Het, Gen) Read and write slash from G to NC:17
2. What is your favorite pairing if Slash? Star Trek Kirk/McCoy, Highlander Methos and anybody, Potter Harry/Draco, Torchwood Jack/John
3. Who has to be in it to get you to read it? (Slash) Two men I find appealing
4. Who has to be in it to get you to read it? (Het and Gen) If the summary looks good I read
1. Do you make graphics of any kind? If so, what kind? (Icons, headers, vids, etc...) Icons and macros for personal use
2. Do you like to enter contests if you do make graphics? No
3. Do you take requests? No
1. Give us one weird fact about you before you go: I am allergic to the sun