This woman was unable to gain access to EC, thanks to her slow-dragging gynecologist. She has taken heaps of abuse from fuckwad misogynists and pro-lifers because she dared seek out EC.
Now it comes out that she is pregnant, and she will most likely abort the baby. As I posted this morning the EC failed and I'm currently taking other steps while I gather the money I need to finish this thing once and for all. And you know what? Every time I think about it I refer to this fetus as a 'parasite', a 'tick' and other things I won't even mention. Z expressed frustration and wondered why women would do this and I can answer her question. The answer may not sit well with her, or with anyone else, but nonetheless it is the truth.
I am fucking angry as hell that around every corner I am faced with people who believe that the life of this fetus is worth more than MY life, or the lives of my children.
It becomes a question of how much shit can you take before you begin to actually hate the thing in your womb. Since the start of this I have been told repeatedly that I didn't deserve to live. I had a commenter tell me that if they ever met me they would rape me repeatedly before torturing me and murdering me in the most painful way they could (no, they didn't tell me exactly how they planned to do this, I guess that they wanted me to leave it up to my own imagination).
I have been called a 'filthy cum drinking whore who should do everyone a favor and stop breathing'. I have had emails sent to me in the guise of having helpful tips to cause a miscarriage but which really suggested lethal herbs. I have been given death threats, I have been called a murderer and I can't even count the number of times I've been called a whore or a slut.
Just a few choice excerpts:
you dumb slut
you fucking retard
Ha ha, you're a dirty whore
Your life is fucking worthless you goddamn slut
Please kill yourself now bitch
I hope you feel good about murdering your kid whore
Tough shit slut
You are a disgusting little shit of a woman
If I ever met you I'd fucking kill you like you murdered your baby, fucking whore
Die you fucking slut
Why don't you just kill yourself now. People like you don't deserve to live
Stupid whore. You spread your legs and now you want to murder a baby. I hope you get raped and murdered. Maybe then you'll feel what that innocent life felt
This is a tiny sampling and this was the response I received at taking EC. How much can one person take before they begin to hate the thing inside of them? How many times can you listen to people tell you that you deserve to die, that they want to kill you? Or they want you to kill yourself?
How often can one person hear that a fetus is more important than their own life? Than the lives of their children? How many times can you be reminded that you are, to them at least, a sack of shit and not worthy of even living?
Am I cold hearted about this? You bet your ass I am. I'm angry that my life is apparently worth so little because I had sex. I'm angry that people would literally try to fucking murder me by sending me a list of fatal herbs via a 'helpful' email. And that is to say nothing about the picket lines I will most likely have to cross. That speaks nothing to the shame that this society will attempt to thrust upon me for this situation. It speaks nothing to the anger and rage I feel that the penis which was actually attached to the condom apparently becomes utterly invisible.
I resent this fetus. I resent the fuck out of the fact that something which is 1/16 of an inch long and which looks amazingly like a reptile trumps the life of a woman and her three children. I resent that this glob of cells which is smaller than a wad of snot is clearly valued more than the life of a 34 year old woman who is trying like hell to support her existing kids.
So Z, I can answer your thoughtful question. Some women treat embryo’s like parasites and say the most awful things about them and act in seemingly cruel ways because they're fucking pissed that something that small can be worth so much more than the life they have struggled to build. And you know what? Maybe it's putting our anger into the wrong place, I know that argument could be made, but sometimes, after you've heard one more person tell you that you should die or be murdered you get fed up.
When you see that pregnancy stick you understand that if you're not willing to raise another child for 18 years and you need to get an abortion that you are about to become one of the most reviled and hated segments of society. When I looked at that fucking test and saw it come out positive I fell apart because I knew, in that moment, that I would be facing some of the most violent and horrific people out there. People who want to see me die, people who say the most vile, horrific things imaginable in the name of the 'life' that is inside of me.
Where is that anger going to go? When you know that you're crossing that fucking picket line where those protestors will be screaming the same sort of shit that those commenters did, well....where does the anger go? When you understand that there are those that would fucking KILL you, leaving your existing children to be raised without a mother you start resenting that potential life more than you've ever resented anything before.
I know I do.
I resent that Dubhe was forgotten. I resent that I continue to get emails and hate comments because I took EC. I resent the misogynist language that people are using to describe me. I resent that there are so many that would have me put a gun to my head, or, better yet, they'd do it for me all because I had sex. I resent that something which should be so simple will require me to go to that clinic 4 times and walk through those hateful, nasty protesters over and over again to fix. I resent that while I worry about a fucking clinic bomber the man, who was wearing that condom when it broke, only needs to worry about how he will take time off of work.
I resent that this potential life is given more consideration than any of the lives that will be poorly affected by it. I resent that I need to cough up $450.00 for the fucking abortion pill and that my insurance won't touch it. I resent that I am made to feel like I must explain myself or else face the wrath of the psychos. I resent that the same sort of shame is being forced onto me by this as the shame that was forced onto me when I was raped as a child.
I resent that if I talk to people about it, about my feelings, about my fear and my anxiety that I may very well be the target of death threats, hatred and condemnation.
I resent that so many people would like to see me hide myself because I was awful enough to consent to sex. I resent that this is an issue that, while I need, desire and want to talk to people about, I must hide from everyone because to tell them would mean that I instantly become a 'worthless cum guzzling whore' who deserves to be 'brutally raped before being slaughtered in the most painful way I can think of'.
I resent that something so painful to deal with, something so terrifying and life altering is something that instead of getting support over I am condemned over. Do you know why I haven't posted something long and thoughtful about this? Because I'm tired. I'm fucking tired. I can only be kicked back to the ground so many times before I start thinking that I need to just lay there and stop fighting against it.
I haven't done something about it because I know the hate mail and the hateful, horrible, disgusting comments I will receive. Quite frankly I'm tired. I'm tired of weeding them out and I'm tired of seeing them. How many blows can one woman face before they begin to become angry?
And so what happens is that the malicious and horrible way that women are treated builds up inside until they become angry and resentful. What do you do in the face of such hate? You strike back. You strike back by attacking the thing that they deem to be more important than you. More important than the years you have spent building memories and building security.
Don't think for a moment that there won't be horrific comments and emails sent to me as fallout for this either. Don't fool yourself into believing that it won't happen. It will. It has and it will happen again.
So yeah, I'm angry. I'm pissed as fuck and I resent the hell out of this zygote for having more right to life than I do. I resent it tremendously and I resent that I have to have it in me one more day.
So, to all of you who wonder about the seeming cruelty of women when they speak of aborting in tones of laughter. Try to think about the hatred that they've experienced and understand that it is a tactic intended as a huge "FUCK YOU" to those that would say that the embryo inside of them is more important than their lives and the lives of their children. It's the best they can do to fight back against people who want them dead. People who would seriously murder them.
Yeah, I'm resentful at this circumstance. But perhaps, to those of you who wonder why women are resentful, the more appropriate question would be, why do people feel entitled to strip these same women of all humanity and dignity for the sake of the fetus inside of them?
*sigh*. I know that this post will garner plenty of hate mail but I refuse to be shamed and to those of you who laugh and say I deserve it I say this: When the abortion pill starts working and I expel the parasite from my womb I shall dedicate it to you when I flush the toilet.
And THAT my friends, is a big FUCK YOU to everyone who thinks that this fetus is more important than my, or my children life.
Bite me.