Aug 24, 2004 20:32
and today went like this:
don't tell me i need a chemistry class to graduate. ap biology isn't a lab course? why did you not tell me this last year when i asked if i needed chemistry. you've taken away my research period for a strange persuasion of science. oh, counselors. look what you've done.
my least favorite word[s] is back order. i never want you to tell me that something i want need is on back order.
and when i ask you for that band, please do not send for an orchestra with the same name. that wastes my time, and sixteen (16) dollars that will be refunded, anyway.
and please, maintain your lane.
tomorrow is wednesday, which is closer to friday. and friday means going to jacksonville, remember?
and last nite i called vicky and we quoted napoleon dynamite for a good seven (7) hours, and we both love the way the uncle says napoleON. and that made yesterday a whole lot better.
homework? let's go.